Thanks to all for the replies. Perhaps I have not been clear enough on what my question/concern actually is. The concern is whether a worn spine changes the angle of the blade and whether that makes a significant difference in the shave? (I have edited the original post for clarification). My bad. I do appreciate the replies and now have a new YouTube channel to follow!

Steve56 got my drift:
Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
Actually I have been honing and shaving for a little over 10 years, mostly without tape. When I do use tape, it’s for geometry, to protect a frameback spine, or plating/decoration. When I use tape for protection it’s 1 mil Kapton. That makes about 1/2 degree steeper angle on razors say 5/8-7/8.

Some of my first razors show light to moderately light hone wear, some flattening of the spine, but I was also learning to hone at the time which accounts for much of that wear. That said, I also rotate razors so I’m not shaving with the same one all the time either. I think what you’re wanting to know is how much wear would you expect to see without tape over say, 10 years. If you already know how to hone and are just maintaining an edge with something like a Naniwa 10k/12k, I don’t think that you’ll see much wear. Especially if you have several razors. I can get 65+ shaves from an edge, so if I had say 6 razors in rotation, I’d only hone them once a year, if that was the goal, so that would be 10 touch ups per razor over 10 years.
Your full length post(s) contains a lot of information that I am going to read more carefully when I get back tonight. This is exactly what I wanted to know (thanks for reading my mind through my vague post). The picture helps as well. Thanks for the detail.

A question for now: What do the blade angles signify? Is there an ideal blade angle? Or am I opening up the can of subjectivity here? I may have more questions later.