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Thread: How to Make a Heel Hook and Trash a New Dovo

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    I will have to watch it too when I'm at the library. Limited data at home. I'm pretty sure that I watched a barber shear sharpening video by the same guy and thought it was the best of the shear sharpening videos that I watched. Shear sharpening is probably worse than razor sharpening as far as people making videos that would destroy high end shears in short order.
    I don't think anyone is intimating that he can't sharpen things but it appears from reports that razors are not one of those things. It is difficult to be an expert in all aspects of sharpening different things.

    The other thing is that a company that is supplying a service by putting out instructional videos should try and not make it a disservice.

    I have the vid bookmarked and when I have a hour that I can afford to never get back just may try watching it.

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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    The first 3 or 4 minutes made my stomach turn over. As Shaun said, when he "lightly" breadknifes the edge, so that the poor razor was literally screeching, I almost spit out my oatmeal. I'll watch the rest of it later when I've imbibed some alcohol, so that my nerves are settled. What a travesty for Shapton to post.

    I have friends who are knife guys who are always telling me they want to test my razor edges with their thumbs, by flicking side to side like they do on their knives. I try to explain how delicate the edge of a razor is. They don't get it; they also don't get to touch any of my razors.
    Just call me Harold
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haroldg48 View Post

    I have friends who are knife guys who are always telling me they want to test my razor edges with their thumbs, by flicking side to side like they do on their knives. I try to explain how delicate the edge of a razor is. They don't get it; they also don't get to touch any of my razors.
    Yeah, that and cutting paper.

  4. #14
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    He ruined a nice Boker. Just from his angles and approach you can tell he's a kitchen knife guy when it comes to sharpening

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Maybe we send Shapton a take-down notice for reasons of compassion rather than copyright for a change?

    I mustered the will to watch but a few seconds of him "lightly bread-knifing the edge" at the opening. Why oh why didn't I have mute on. That's what fingernails on chalkboards sound like to my ears. <shudders> There's no way I could watch more of that horror show. I'm still cringing well after shutting off the video....
    gssixgun likes this.

  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This is posted as 5 years old so this is AFTER the video he and Howard Schecter did originally correct

    I can't seem to find that vid any longer
    BobH and Haroldg48 like this.
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  8. #17
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    I will have to watch it too when I'm at the library. Limited data at home. I'm pretty sure that I watched a barber shear sharpening video by the same guy and thought it was the best of the shear sharpening videos that I watched. Shear sharpening is probably worse than razor sharpening as far as people making videos that would destroy high end shears in short order.
    I have a friend who has his own business but that business was slow so he invested in a sharpening system to hone shears. I 'think' it was about $800 or so. Anyway he did quite well at only $25 per shear. He'd go from one beauty shop to the next and the same with barbers and had his setup in the back of his van.

    He encouraged me to get set up to do the same. Well I was leery so I called my daughter who has her own hair shop and asked her what she thought and said as long as I could do the job right and not ruin a pair I should be fine. So I asked her what a pair of professional shears ran and she said her's weren't real expensive they were ONLY about $350 per pair but some people used shears that cost around $900.

    I passed on the business opportunity--------
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  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Right cudarunner. I've had the same thoughts about the business model. Plus you are dealing with an uneducated clientele. Ozarkedger who does this said that he spent a fair amount of time interviewing the stylists before he would take them on as clients.

  10. #19
    Senior Member alex1921's Avatar
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    I was just reading the old thread on heel correction last week as I was getting ready to repair a MK31 that came to me with a heel hook. Thank you Euclid.
    The video - I had to watch it just to see all the lapping. Man, if you had to drink a beer for every time he laps.
    Speedster and Euclid440 like this.

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    That was hard to watch. You can hear the table drumming from pressure when he is 'lightly' finishing with the 30k at 59:00.

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