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Thread: Whats your current honing setup?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pithor View Post
    It's really hard to say; as I said I have never used synthetics all that much. They're a bit porous, quite fast on slurry and I figure a bit on the soft side (at least mine wears relatively unevenly quite fast). I have done bevel repair work on it, but I have also had a decent, comfortably shaving off it. I'd say if you max out the edge it's a bit keener than a coticule after regular bevel work on milky slurry, which makes it a great pairing with coticules.

    Bart Torfs did an extensive write-up on it back in the day.

    Best regards,

    Thanks for the link. I would like to have someone to talk to who can recommend me one or 2 stones. i like the fact that different sides of one hone have a different grit size if you like. Do they have customer advisors who know what you need for straight razors?
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    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  2. #32
    Senior Member MichaelS's Avatar
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    At the moment mostly Shapton Glass 500 (bevel), 3k, 10k, then a natural for finishing (translucent Ark, Jnat, coticule, Thuringian, Lyn Idwal, Zulu). For Jnats with full nagura starting after 3k works for me too).

    Occasionally all natural : e.g. Cretan or Salm Rouge (bevel), Dalmore blue or Moughton (mid-range), the rest on coticule, Jnat or Thuringian. My Cretan is a fast cutter but I haven't yet figured out to max it into a finisher. The mid-rangers could be skipped but heck I might as well try and use what I own (aka the tyranny of owning too many stones )
    Last edited by MichaelS; 04-29-2020 at 10:12 AM. Reason: typo
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  3. #33
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    For some time now have I have been using the Naniwas 3 k 5 k 8 k 10 k followed by the 20kG.
    I use the Escher now and then after the 10k Naniwas and the coticule.

    I must say the 20kG is my favourite

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
    I use the Escher now and then after the 10k Naniwas and the coticule.
    It's an interesting approach. I'm curious, what is the value of using the Escher after the coticule? What I mean to say is, why not just go straight to the Escher after the 10k? What does the coticule add in the equation? Cheers!

  5. #35
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    Sorry I mean I use the Escher after the 10 k . I also used the coticule after 10 k not the coticule after Escher or vice versa.

    So far I have found the 20kG just improves smoothness and gives me a better feel during shaving. To be fair I like the 10 k naniwa shave it takes some beating.
    Last edited by gary haywood; 04-29-2020 at 09:35 PM.
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