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Thread: Usb magnification (rant)

  1. #1
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    Default Usb magnification (rant)

    Finally broke down an started using USB microscope, the images vary from too much information, to lighting magic, rarely get a decent image. Issues are worse when honing on stones that create a mirror like finish. Lighting reflective object is not easy. Even with well lit razor the information changes with any slight change. I can hone a razor well without The information overload provided by usb scope. I would be more trusting of a microscope with fixed stage, and fixed lighting. This would provide consistent images as opposed to the magical usb with ring lighting.

    I still prefer Carson hand held scope 20-60x. If I had younger eyes the belomo would suffice. It gives me enough information, But you can’t share razor images with your honing friends.

    I suppose the solution is to buy a proper microscope. Or build a system around cheap usb scope in order to get consistent images.

    Open to suggestions with cheap usb scope.....

  2. #2
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I use a light in front of my usb scope. Shinning down straight in front. It helps a lot as that right of lights reflect too much. Ive also put tape over a few of those lights. You just got to play with it.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #3
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    Carson makes a usb microscope that is decent. Takes some fiddling to get it to show an image similar to the 60x-120x, but the quality is nice. I do recommend using a small box to prop up the razor instead of shaky hands or bending the arm all the way down.
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  4. #4
    King of the Shorties Aldwyn's Avatar
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    A regular scope wont help much, since they are typically bottom lit. Light is not going to go through the steel and those images will be darrrrrk.

    I wish I could use the Carons handhelds... I do have two of them. I wear glasses, though, and have to take them off to use those scopes which make them a pain in the butt. So they dont get pulled out very often.

    It's just the 40X lit loupe and the Plugable x50 to x250 USB microscope on a drill press like mount when I want more detail. I like the mount... much more stable and easier to get a clear image.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldwyn View Post
    A regular scope wont help much, since they are typically bottom lit. Light is not going to go through the steel and those images will be darrrrrk.

    I wish I could use the Carons handhelds... I do have two of them. I wear glasses, though, and have to take them off to use those scopes which make them a pain in the butt. So they dont get pulled out very often.

    It's just the 40X lit loupe and the Plugable x50 to x250 USB microscope on a drill press like mount when I want more detail. I like the mount... much more stable and easier to get a clear image.

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    the rule in photography is angle of incidence = angle of reflectance. lighting reflective object is 4th year material. without getting too technical you have to light from what the razor reflects. thinking to build something that reflects a white surface to bevel/ razor

  6. #6
    Senior Member alex1921's Avatar
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    Light and reflexion is where I shake my head the most when I see some guys post bevel pics on FB. The bevel is shiny, great, tilt that light or razor and things will be revealed to you. A lot of badness can be hiding behind that reflection.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex1921 View Post
    Light and reflexion is where I shake my head the most when I see some guys post bevel pics on FB. The bevel is shiny, great, tilt that light or razor and things will be revealed to you. A lot of badness can be hiding behind that reflection.
    My thoughts also.

    You can also make good look terrible if you would want to.
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  8. #8
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    When I was just starting to hone I used a cheap USB scope, but I'm not sure it helped that much. Maybe a little, I guess, but in retrospect the hassle wasn't worth it. Especially since it meant going back and forth into another room to go to the computer. Now I find it way easier to just use my $3 loupe. Although I think I'll upgrade to a better loupe one of these days....
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's like Hollywood magic. You can make a terrible edge look great with the right lighting and angle.

    What I learned long ago is a quality 10x loupe or hand lens with great eye relief is all you will ever need to maintain your razors.

    Any more than that and it becomes like a guy with two watches. He's never sure of the correct time. I have a Nikon Stereoscope I bought back in the 70s but I stopped using it for razors years ago.
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  10. #10
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I totally agree with Spendur!

    Did I just say that?

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