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Thread: In appreciation

  1. #11
    Member Seveneighth's Avatar
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    @steve56 Your stropping could be better??? But I thought you were getting 100+ shaves on one of your razors. Can't be that much wrong with your stropping.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seveneighth View Post
    @steve56 Your stropping could be better??? But I thought you were getting 100+ shaves on one of your razors. Can't be that much wrong with your stropping.
    I thought that it was pretty good, but Alex’s microscope tld me that I wan’t getting all the edge evenly so I slowed down, observed how the razor was contacting the strop, and modified my grip. That seemed to have helped.

    Shave 118 this morning. Seems to be losing a little smoothness, so it might be nearing the end....
    My doorstop is a Nakayama

  3. #13 JOB15's Avatar
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    Honing is a journey and personal to everyone, in my mind.. Evolving, discovering, understanding, it never gets old

  4. #14
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    True words Joseph.
    JOB15 and PaulFLUS like this.
    My doorstop is a Nakayama

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'd agree with that also. In fact that applies to most skills. I have been in the locksmith business for almost...well, let's see......5 decades? Since I was a little boy my dad took me to work with him and I started to actually apprentice at 13 so that's 43 years. I've been doing it everyday for a living since 1990 so that's 30 years. Anyway, I run into something almost literally every day that I have never seen before or have no recollection of. Another thing I have learned in all this time is never discount anyone. I have learned things from people who are brand new to the business and also from some I wrote off as not that smart. That's an eye opening lesson. One we could ALL use. Lots of people think they are the grand poobah and above even listening to others. Best not to let that fragile ego make you shut your mind. The truly wise understand how much they don't know.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 06-18-2020 at 02:03 AM.
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