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  1. #1
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    Default Question on "Microserrations"

    I was always taught that when sharpening a knife it was desirable to have microserrations - little "teeth" left from the stone. That it was these teeth that did the cutting. Reading the old barbor texts in the SRP library I see that they reference these serrations also.

    When I look at some of the microscopic images posted here I see that some razors are sharpened to a mirror like finish, perfectly smooth. Do these super smooth edges work as well as the ones with teeth?

    This got me thinking. Has anyone video taped a hair being cut under magnification? Can we see what really occurs when the razor hits the hair? I imagine that there are lots of conflicting opinions about whether a razor should be perfectly smooth or whether is should have serrations, and it would be interesting to see what is actually occurring.


  2. #2
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    Even when razors have a mirror finish, there are still microserrations. They are just very, very small. The serrations on a knife are huge in comparison.

    Also, with a knife, a lot of common tasks require the serrations to act like little teeth on a saw (think cutting through rope). However, with a razor, we are going for a push cut, no "sawing", just the blade slicing through the hair.

    I'm sure someone else will chime in with some better explainations...

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes this has come up before. All properly honed razor have these little teeth. In order to see them you would probably need a microscope with at least 500x magnification, maybe much more. We have had some heated debates on this subject in the past maybe it will all start over again.
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  4. #4
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    Default Perfectly Smooth?

    I don't believe that any edge can be "perfectly smooth". Since the edge on a razor, knife or any sharp tool is produced by tiny, harder than steel particles within a honeing stone grinding away metal, serrations are a natural consequence of this process. The particles would have to be infinitesmally small to produce a perfectly smooth edge, but infinitesimally small things only exist in the world of mathematics!

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