No, you're not overthinking it, at least not as far as wedges being more of an issue. Wedges, especially Sheffield wedges as Jerry said are more prone to spine warpage and uneven grinds especially near wedges and quarter hollows. At least that's the experience I've had. Often the grind has a hump in the middle and the bevel is wonky.
They are harder to get a handle on honing in general. If you're new to honing I think it is easier to start with hollow ground razors for this reasons mentioned. As the process becomes more clear to you and your muscle memory improves it falls into place easier...or you can go the trial by fire route if you're courageous. Just know that it comes with challenges.
You'll get it though. You're asking good questions and you have a good attitude. That counts for a lot. Be patient and listen and you'll work through it.