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Thread: Arkansas Stone

  1. #1
    Vintage Scent shop clerk Leon's Avatar
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    Question Arkansas Stone

    Hello all,

    Any of you gents have purchased any Arkansas stone? I have a translucent hard arkansas stone for a year and it's a fine stone to give a final polishing on the edge of a razor, but I'm looking for a coarser stone.
    Have any of you tried any of these? Are they of any worth? I don't want to spend 50+ bucks on a single grit stone...

  2. #2
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    I have a transparent pink arkansas stone from him, it's an excellent polisher, but has a couple of small blemishes that make it less than ideal for razors.
    remember even the smallest hole or imperfection can chip your edge.

    also, it's hard to classify natural stones, you're probably better off investing in a norton 4000/8000 combo stone, and using your transparent arkansas as a final polisher.

  3. #3
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    I tried pretty hard to stick with my set of arkansas stones, but now having used the norton 4/8 with a natural chinese 12,000 grit stone, I wish I hadn't waited so long.

    The arkansas stones just take a long time to do a "middle of the road" job in my opinion. but then again I've heard accounts that the arkansas stones can vary widely in quality, so I may have gotten a "bad" set.

  4. #4
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    I've been playing with arkansas stones. If you just want some stones to hone a razor get the nortons and the 12k or some of the dmt type things.

    Even if you get the trans. ark. from jp you may still want a coarser hone as well. I bought a trans. from jp it seems alright , but i'm still not the greatest judge. as far as arkansas stones go the ones from him seem to be accurately described. just make sure it doesn't say second. alot of his stuff says seconds.

    if you do decide to go the arkansas stone route make sure you get the stones form a reputable source (jp is fine, he gets Dans stones). I got cheap set from woodcraft they weren't flat and the "sugical black" isn't quite as fine as my translucent (it should be). i also would reccommend you hone with water rather than oil. the thickness of some oil will make some razors hydroplane.

    so, in conclusion get the norton 4/8k if you want to an easy honing experience. Or get the arkansas if you want a more interesting experience.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Garry's Avatar
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    I bought a translucent Arkansas from Open_Razor on ebay ( srp member : Wojtec ) but I'm still not had time to test it .. I't appears to me like a fine polishing stone but I've read in a lot of threads that in fact it's a course but very very slow cutting stone ..
    I'd like more info on the stone I have before I go messing something up ..
    It's a very light blueish translucent .. iirc price is about $10-$20
    Last edited by Garry; 01-22-2008 at 02:17 PM. Reason: ebay name

  6. #6
    Vintage Scent shop clerk Leon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry View Post
    I bought a translucent Arkansas from Open_Razor on ebay ( srp member : Wojtec ) but I'm still not had time to test it .. I't appears to me like a fine polishing stone but I've read in a lot of threads that in fact it's a course but very very slow cutting stone ..
    I'd like more info on the stone I have before I go messing something up ..
    It's a very light blueish translucent .. iirc price is about $10-$20
    Yep, it's the same stone as mine. You can't mess anything with it, at least I use it with my razors and it has done the job. Now that I have to create a new bevel, this stone is not up to it - I need a much more coarser stone. But for the price I paid it's a fine finishing stone, no question about it...

  7. #7
    Junior Member Mulbers's Avatar
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    With using a norton 4k/8k and this stone (mentioned above i think) should do the job of sharpening and giving the edge a good finish. Just seems a nice cheap addition.

    I am new to this, I have a couple of shave ready razors coming, thought id get the stones sorted out while i wait. Will have to hone at some point.

    When people say about "a nice finishing stone" what does this actually mean, a daft question i know. But does it refer to the actual edge of the blade, i.e makes it sharper. Or does it just get rid of any small scratches from the bevel and gives a nice shine?

    I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things like this. So having a well honed/stropped razor is a must. This is just as big a part of why i want to start using a straight as actually shaving is. Something to be proud of. Will want to restore some also, im good with my hands and think this a great hobby to fart about with. Even if they are not shave ready, just the satisfaction of doing it.


  8. #8
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    Would the norton + belgian yellow cuticle(8000grit) be as effective as finishing with the chinese stone? Link to the chinese 12000?

  9. #9
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nestablifted View Post
    Would the norton + belgian yellow cuticle(8000grit) be as effective as finishing with the chinese stone? Link to the chinese 12000?
    They would be approximately the same but would have a different "feel" to the edge.

    Here is a link to the Chinese 12K
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  10. #10
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    With using a norton 4k/8k and this stone (mentioned above i think) should do the job of sharpening and giving the edge a good finish. Just seems a nice cheap addition.
    Some people like to use the Arkansas stones as a final stone but the problem is one of assuring the quality and of having the patience to use it.

    I am new to this, I have a couple of shave ready razors coming, thought id get the stones sorted out while i wait. Will have to hone at some point.

    When people say about "a nice finishing stone" what does this actually mean, a daft question i know. But does it refer to the actual edge of the blade, i.e makes it sharper. Or does it just get rid of any small scratches from the bevel and gives a nice shine? Both actually.

    I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things like this. So having a well honed/stropped razor is a must. You have a lot of company here! This is just as big a part of why i want to start using a straight as actually shaving is. Something to be proud of. Will want to restore some also, im good with my hands and think this a great hobby to fart about with. Even if they are not shave ready, just the satisfaction of doing it.

    It sounds like your a prime candidate for RAD and HAD! Welcome to the SRP!
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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