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  1. #1
    Senior Member vgod's Avatar
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    Default good for me, bad for me. chinese 12k

    so to help me on my next quest, i ordered a chinese 12k from woodcraft.

    good- arrived today by FedEx delivery. yeah!!

    bad- SWMBO caught the stomach bug today. since she watches our twins, daddy got an early day off. before the chinese 12k made it to work.

    oh well. even though tonight would have been my best night to experiment, but looks like it may have to wait till the weekend.

    bummer dude.


  2. #2
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    I hope your wife recovers quickly and that the bug doesn't pass to the kids!

    As I've experienced with other thngs delivered (and very similar circumstance: the box was dropped off at the landlord's office Thursday while I was working late so I didn't get it until AFTER the four day weekend) that sometimes the added anticiption makes it all the better in the end.

  3. #3
    Managing the UnManageable TOB9595's Avatar
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    Waiting is hell!!!

    Hope all is well within the family soon

  4. #4
    Senior Member vgod's Avatar
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    sorry, long post.

    so this morning, i was finally able to take a few blades for a ride on the 12K. i had 5 blades that i wanted that final push on. i could shave with all ot them, however i had irritation if i did more than one day in a row.

    #1. forgot that i honed on the 6K with tape, dulled the edge, need to go back to drawing board. and this was my regular shaver the past 2 weeks.

    #2. W.M Worley with custom scales. wedge, passing TPT, not HHT. tried shaving with this last week. lots of jumping. much better this week. after 100 laps on 12K and 40 on strop, passed TPT and the HHT on about half the blade. still jumping, but not as bad. i call this 'PROGRESS'!!

    #3. no name. one of those practice razors. after 100 laps on 12K, and 40 on strop, still not cutting. i think i need to go back to the 1K, but i will try again with the 6K and the 12K 1st.

    #4. DD #1 special. this was popping hairs prior to me getting my hones. but upon inspection with micro, noticed nicks in edge. took down to 1K for edge and to establish bevel. 6K and good start. able to shave, but again, irritation. put 100 laps with 12K, 40 on strop, same results as #2, 'PROGRESS'!!

    #5. Union Cutlery. this was close to shave ready when i e-bought it. with some passes on the 6K, was close, but jumpy. so i ran it on the 12K 50 laps, back to the 6K for 20 laps, another 50 on the 12K, and 50 on the strop. TPT, HHT, passed. final test, shave. PASSED with a fantastic shave. probably the smoothest, sharpest edge i now own. just flew into the #1 spot in rotation.

    after all of this, i really am starting to feel as if i can get this down. still need to get the feel of the wedges down pat.

    till next time.


  5. #5
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Yeah those stomach bugs suck.
    We all cam down with it two times in a month.
    My daughter had it the worst.

    At least with normal colds etc you can still get something done / drag yourself to work with enough painkillers.
    With stomach bugs that's not a real option. Imagine getting stuck in traffic...

    Anyway interesting to read about the chinese 12K.
    I only have coticule finishing stones.
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