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  1. #1
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    Default Ideas what this is?

    I have had this for a very long time. I think it was my grandfather's but was definately my Dad's and I remember it from my childhood.

    I re-discovered it and had it sent down from my mom-in-law's where we have a bunch of stuff stored. I has chips on both sided (and has as far back as I can remember. I got it and actually managed to lap it on one side (hard as a SOB).

    It looks to be some type of natural stone and "feels" VERY smooth, almost like ceramic. I have NO documentation and the box was an afterthought (I'm sure). Wish I had more to go on... I can take more pics but not sure if it will help any....

    Any clues?

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  2. #2
    JMS is offline
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    It looks like an Escher, or a close cousin!

  3. #3
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Best guess I'd say you have transparent arkansas there
    (judging by color, and the way it has chipped...)
    If I'm correct, it will make an excellent polishing stone.
    Try it on a cheap er razor and look at the scratch pattern under magnification.
    If it is transparent arkansas you will barely see any scratches at 30x
    If I'm right, you have an excellent finishing stone for your razors.

    Here's a picture of an unfinished transparent arkansas stone, and it's lapped side to show you the color and characteristics that I'm basing my guess off of.
    (note the color variation, and nature of the chips in it, it is also the smoothest feeling stone I have.)

    Most transparent arkansas stones I've seen are the darker grey in color, and have much less variation in them. Mine is a poor example, but it's still an excellent hone.
    Last edited by Mike_ratliff; 01-28-2008 at 01:59 AM.

  4. #4
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply Mike!

    Against most better judgement, I took the Drees I got from you to it today. As I mentioned, I think I rolled the edge previously from poor stropping.

    With about 15 light passes with water, it was already MUCH sharper. Didn't want to get carried away so I stropped it and will try tomorrow AM.

    My biggest thing was I am curious as hell as to what it might be since it has nostalgic value.

  5. #5
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    As a side-note, that stone was cause for one of the most memorable spankings I ever got!

    The box it is in has my initials carved into it. Carved by a kid about 7 yrs old with his trusty Old Timer pocket knife.

    Man was my dad pissed! Those initial are still there though and it's mine now anyway.....

  6. #6
    JMS is offline
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    With 15 passes it sounds even more like an Escher! can you generate a slurry?

  7. #7
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    With 15 passes it sounds even more like an Escher! can you generate a slurry?
    I don't have another stone to make a slurry with.....

    I could have gone farther than 15-20 passes but it was already improved so I want to test it before I go crazy!

    I will take my Genco to it this week. It is already an OK shaver and takes an edge quickly. Will see if I can get it smoooooth!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Garry's Avatar
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    IMHO it looks like an arkansas .. just the almost translucent appearance of it .

    could be wrong tho , I have a couple of lighter arkansas .. I also have an old Escher but it doesn't look like that

  9. #9
    Senior Member Howard's Avatar
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    Default Probably an Arkansas

    It looks like an Arkansas stone. One clue, in addition to the stone, is the box which appears to be made of cedar and that's been the wood of choice for those who box Arkansas stones for a long time. The belgians use European Beech which is a hardwood and very different in its look. Try this. Hold the stone up to a light bulb and see if you can see light through it. If you can, it is probably some kind of translucent surgical grade Arkansas.

  10. #10
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    Add me to the Arkansas club. I've only seen one, which someone sent me to lap. It was just about the hardest thing I've ever seen in my life.

    These hones are actually a pretty coarse grit, from what I understand, maybe around 1K or 2K. But they're so hard that they work as a polishing stone and you can get an excellent shave off of them if you're careful.

    Cool story about the initials. That's a keeper.


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