Proud to say I've finally gotten my coti combo stone.
I've been wanting one for ages and now finally got one its a great stone and cant wait to show it off beside my selected coti.
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Proud to say I've finally gotten my coti combo stone.
I've been wanting one for ages and now finally got one its a great stone and cant wait to show it off beside my selected coti.
Here are the pics of my coti combo stone
I bought it from one of amazing members here on SRP and we have been talking quite a bit since. I love this stone and think that is a complete beauty(then again doesnt everyone think their own things are pretty?)
The stone is about 6x2 and is from the petite blanche layer.
What i love most about this stone is the slurry stone that came with it. Its hard to see in the pictures but if you look closeley it has quite of few layers of differnt coti and bbw.
Anyways here are the pics that i received from the seller, i havent had time to take my own. Hope you guys enjoy!
here are the pics of both my cotis, the natural combo and the selected coti on top
I can't believe I didn't know about this thread. Anyway here is my coticule, it is a La Nouvelle Vein and I got it from the Perfect Edge about two years ago and is on slate. It is crazy fast on slurry, sets bevels like lightening. Then on water it is very verrryyyy slow and leaves a very mellow edge that can shave a baby without irritation.
It's sad the prices are going to shoot up for these hones, I was just getting to know em!
How do you know which vein your bbw/coti natural combo comes from?
If it's a vintage it can be very problematic. I think that the new ones, where the veins are more or less known, are classifiable. The older are anybodies guess. Though I stand to be corrected. (The key is finding out how they work, whichever vein they come from.)
I just bought this old coticule in the classifieds, looks very fine and nice.
I would like to submit my new Coticule for admission into the Belgian Brotherhood. She is from "La Dressante au Blue" layer and measures in at 7.5cm X 20cm or almost 3" x 8", natural combination. Give a wonderful edge.
Thanks for looking.