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  1. #1
    Who Dares Wins InnuendoCornecopria's Avatar
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    Default Honing Wapienicas

    I just got a Norton 4k 8k. It's my first time honing.

    I ordered two Wapis off ebay and plan to use them for practice.

    So I'm looking for advice on how to hone them. I searched the threads for a basic article on this mysterious pyramid business I keep reading about, but no explanation.


  2. #2
    Libertarian Freak Dewey's Avatar
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    Check the FAQ section. Wapis are usually easy to hone up. Great for the $$$
    Light Touch on the hone!

    This is a How To I saved from the FAQ:
    This is an example of the pyramid honing technique as described by Randy
    Tuttle ([email protected]).
    Conservative Honing Ratio
    This is a suggestion for a straight razor that is almost keen. It shaves but it pulls
    at the whiskers. I use the thumb test to see when the edge has attained a
    noticeable change in feel. Then strop for 35 laps on plain leather and test shave.
    Repeat as necessary.
    Please note that this only applies to the use of a Norton waterstone. It does not
    apply to Japanese waterstones, a Belgian stone, Arkansas stones, classic barber
    hones , pasted strops or sandpaper.
    Norton Norton
    Set # 4000 8000
    1 1 5
    2 1 5
    3 3 5
    4 5 5 use the thumb test at any point during this sequence
    5 3 5 and stop if you feel the edge is now keen
    6 3 5
    7 1 5
    8 1 5
    9 1 5
    Aggressive Honing Ratio
    Use this sequence when the razor is not shaving at all.
    Set # Norton 4000 Laps Norton 8000 Laps
    1 15 5
    2 10 5
    3 5 5
    4 3 5
    5 1 5
    6 1 5
    Downloaded from Straight Razor Place
    Be sure and use some sort of test before starting so you can evaluate the rate of
    change that is occurring. I use the thumb test and the hanging hair test. Repeat
    the honing sequence as necessary and move to the conservative sequence when
    you think you are getting close. The goal is to avoid over-honing which can make
    the edge act like a piece of aluminum foil because it is to thin and weak.
    Credit for devising the honing pyramid technique goes to Lynn Abrams, the
    founder of the Yahoo Straightrazorplace forum and the
    To Lynn and all the other razor guru's "THANKS !"

  3. #3
    Who Dares Wins InnuendoCornecopria's Avatar
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    I just ordered the Wapis on Friday, so I can't wait to see how things go.

  4. #4
    JGS is offline
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    I have the Wapi with the logo.

    First try at honing: I got it pretty close; but it was "edgy" not quite pulling, but not a close comfortable shave. Less is more, However.

    I decided to go back for more and did a long sequence from 1000, 4000, 10,000 and the yellow couticle.....not as good as the first try.

    I will try the pyramids and see what happens.

  5. #5
    Who Dares Wins InnuendoCornecopria's Avatar
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    Alright, learning experience indeed...

    I did a complete set of pyramids on the wapi. Still not shaving sharp. At what point do you know you are oversharpening?

    And what do I do now?

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT: Actually... one is shaving adequately, just won't pass the HHT. Where do you go next, to finish the edge up?
    Last edited by InnuendoCornecopria; 02-22-2008 at 01:28 AM.

  6. #6
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    I just got my first one today and honed it
    up pretty good. I did the conservative
    pyramid and added some random passes
    on the 4k and 8k. Once it passed all tests
    I moved to the Chinese 12k. It may take
    you more than one set of pyramids to get
    to where you want to be. Keep checking
    and you should feel a difference along the way.
    Good luck.


  7. #7
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InnuendoCornecopria View Post
    Alright, learning experience indeed...

    I did a complete set of pyramids on the wapi. Still not shaving sharp. At what point do you know you are oversharpening?

    And what do I do now?

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT: Actually... one is shaving adequately, just won't pass the HHT. Where do you go next, to finish the edge up?
    Did you try the Thumb Nail Test (TNT) and Thumb Pad Test (TPT)?

  8. #8
    Who Dares Wins InnuendoCornecopria's Avatar
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    What are those?

    I'm a newbie.

  9. #9
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    I wish I could remember who said it. Someone mentioned in another post....The hanging gecko test.

  10. #10
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InnuendoCornecopria View Post
    What are those?

    I'm a newbie.
    I will try to make this short…

    There 3 tests when honing a razor and they are usually done in this order;
    1) Thumb Nail Test (TNT)
    2) Thumb Pad Test (TPT)
    And finally
    3) Hanging Hair Test (HHT)

    TNT when setting the bevel (with low grit hone) to assess the “even-ness” along the entire edge, TPT (after you are sure the bevel is set) to check sharp-ness along the entire edge (proceed to polishing hone), HHT the final test when the first 2 have been passed and the edge has been polished with the finishing hone.

    Some use these tests in different order but its best to use all 3 to determine the condition of the edge.
    There are other tests but these will get you where you need to go.

    Sometimes a blade and may fail HHT or pass with difficulty but after stropping will pass and give good shave so don’t fuss about the HHT too much just make sure the edge passes the first 2 tests, then polish on the finishing hone, strop and you should be good-to-go.

    Also your hair may be "thin" and flex in front of the edge instead of the edge "popping" the hair so don't worry too much... When shaving the edge will be closer to the root anyway and the edge may just cut comfortably so shave with it and see.

    These links make excellent reading, will show you how to perform the tests and more;

    Hope this helps

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