At the risk of inviting a myrid of comments about my declining mental status, I can't find the post on the above topic. I know many of us have moved beyond this, but with the constant arrival of new members, I though we had said we were going to create a "sticky" with this information. Is this one of the things that got lost in the "event"? Or is it just someplace where I can't find it?

I have a regular need to refer customers to this information. It is also a way that I find useful to introduce people to our community, who may not be aware of all the resources that Straight Razor Place has to offer.

By the way, as you know, Lynn hones my razors. What you may not know is that every one of those razors goes out the door with a label attached to it that says in part "......honed by Lynn Abrams, founder of Straight Razor Place, ( It's just another way that I'm trying to expand the awareness of this special place.