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  1. #11
    King Leonidas Basher052's Avatar
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    The only good thing about this is it really made me interested in learning to sharpen things myself.[/quote]

    Shameless plug time here

    I bought a razor (Love this Mulcuto too) from Toolarts. I have to say its one of the sharpest ones I have, and its an everyday shaver. Good job on this razor, and I just wanted to thank you for it.

    Back to your regularly scheduled chat.........

  2. #12
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    i've got chisels and plane blades that will take hair off my arms, i wouldn't shave with them.......
    go back and get your 4 bucks back or better still ask him to shave with it!
    just my two penneth


  3. #13
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    Doesn't sound like your razor is ruined to me. I did something similar once as a newbie (lucky for me, it was with a Pakistani razor I had purchased). With some work on the Spyderco hones and a Skute barber hone (one of the first hones I ever bought actually meant for use on razors) it wasn't too long before it was hanging hair sharp again (LOTS of passes-but I had plenty of time). Unfortunately the Pakistani razor, no matter how much I defended it in my early days, was less than forgiving with regard to the edge lasting at all and would corrode if you looked at it wrong. Its edge lasted approximately half of one shave before going off.

    I'm rambling. Your razor is likely not ruined.
    It's just going to take a little work is all.

    John P.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by marosell View Post
    Called up a cutlery place this weekend and they said they could hone my straight razor. They were completely wrong.

    I went in today to have my razor honed, he went in the back room (could see him through some plexi glass) and he had started putting it on a belt machine before I could stop him.

    He honed it in the wrong direction (the direction you strop), and holding the spine up so only the edge was being sharpened. By the time I saw what he was doing, it was too late. It was sharp enough to take hair off my arm, but I was still afraid about what he might have done to it.

    Tonight I tried to strop, but I'm afraid that because the angle he sharpened it (which was not the angle of the blade and the spine lying down) that the tip of the edge might not have even been touching the strop flushly, and I may not have even stropped at all.

    I tried shaving. It would cut my hairs, but it tugged way too much; there was no way I could shave with it, I was so disappointed. I only paid $4 for the service, but I'm afraid my blade might be damaged.

    Anyone think they have the expertise to help me fix this? I'll send it and give you a couple bucks for the trouble and to send it back, or if anyone else is in the Raleigh area, or within driving distance, I can bring it by. Anyone?

    I hope this wasn't the Admiration I just bought.

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