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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Diamond Sharpening Stone

    I recently acquired a straight razor and set, but I missed out on a stone. However, I have a Diamond Sharpening Stone lying around - is that okay to hone with?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2007
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    It depends on the grit, but most likely it is not sufficient. The only diamond hone in production that would give a really acceptable edge is the DMT D8EE, and you'd know if you had that one.

    Howard at has many good stones, as does Woodcraft:
    Craftsman Studio, , also has many good options.

    you'll want, at least, something in the 8,000 grit to 12,000 grit range for maintaining already sharp razors. Lower ranges like 3,000 to 6,000 are good for honing out any small chips and resetting the bevel, and everything else down to 1,000 grit is for major edge repair.

    Some folks like using barber hones for maintaining their edges, they can be found on ebay or at antique stores.

    Or just watch the buy/sell/trade forum. Hope that helps.

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