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  1. #1
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    Default establishing a bevel

    Could some one explain to me how i set my bevel with the marker test and what i should be looking for thanxs gary

  2. #2
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    Here is the information that I think that you need to know about establishing the edge:

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to heavydutysg135 For This Useful Post:

    Huskysibe (04-03-2008)

  4. #3
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    Thats great i read that thanxs very much. What do i mark the edge wiyh should i use a felt tip pen or black marker? I've just recieced a 6/8 tortoise imitation and it does shave quite well no pulling but i find unlike my other shave ready razors I'm having to do a couple of xtra passes to get get a realy close shave so razor just feels like it s not quite aS KEEN AS IT COULD BE. Feels to me like the edge is a little thicker than norm but still shaving i will will try this test when he says mark the bevel that i should imagine thats the very shiny bit at the edge. gary

  5. #4
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
    Thats great i read that thanxs very much. What do i mark the edge wiyh should i use a felt tip pen or black marker? I've just recieced a 6/8 tortoise imitation and it does shave quite well no pulling but i find unlike my other shave ready razors I'm having to do a couple of xtra passes to get get a realy close shave so razor just feels like it s not quite aS KEEN AS IT COULD BE. Feels to me like the edge is a little thicker than norm but still shaving i will will try this test when he says mark the bevel that i should imagine thats the very shiny bit at the edge. gary
    Everything that you said seems to be correct. When I use the marker test I use a black permanent marker (other colors are fine as well but I think it needs to be permanent). Make sure to give it at least 30 seconds to dry before getting it wet or else it will come off before it even touches the stone.

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