Once again thanks to all for the replies.

I am new to honing and as I said at the start, I have 3 cheap razors to practice on. My first attempt went fairly well, but I was frustrated that I couldn't seem to find that elusive sharpness I want.

I believe that my strokes on the hones were not light enough and I didn't strop enough. I only discovered this through the posts on this thread. So already, I am further on than when I made my first honing attempt and when I try again later today I shall aim for a lighter stroke and more passes on the strop.

The joy of this forum is that not everyone does things the same. Whilst, it can be confusing to a newb, all these differing views, it does give you something else to try when a particular approach doesn't work.

So it's off for some more practice, practice, practice with the honing.