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  1. #1
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Default What the hell just happened?

    Okay, so I have had a few Wapi's for a while and they came from poland so they weren't shave ready. One of them is with another member right now awaiting scales. The other one was sitting in my dresser drawer in a non-shave ready pile. I recently received two barber's hones (one little devil, one of unknown origin but it says "Boss Barber" on the side and apparently has two grits. I took out the wapi and laid it across the boss which was recently lapped and it sat straight so I gave it about 10 passes. Low and be hold the thing was evenly sticky all the way across my thumb. I gave it six more passes on the higher grit side and then wiped it off and set it on my pasted paddle (CrOx) and gave it 20 passes. I wiped again and stropped the heck out of it first on illinois linen, then on heavy draw leather, then on buffed horsehide. I put the hanging hair to it and it would just grab and split the hair. I went back to the CrOx for 10 more passes (probably equal to 5 passes on a normal strop cause this thing is short) and went through the stropping routine once more. Low and behold again, it popped hanging hairs all along the blade with minimal effort. So, I quick lathered a part of my cheek and the blade just wiped right through the hair. It is now in my rotation and I will test it on a full shave tomorrow.

    Crazy. I don't hone. I guess all the stars were lined up. We'll see in ernest tomorrow!

  2. #2
    Senior Member ByronTodd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicboater View Post


    Crazy. I don't hone. <snip>
    After reading your post, I think I have to take issue with the above statement....

  3. #3
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I guess I've been lucky too, Rob. I ordered one from open_razor, strapped it up on a pasted strap, and have been shaving with it for weeks
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I think both of you guys need to go buy some lottery tickets

  5. #5
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Some of those old barber hones come with a 2 week supply of "good Mojo".

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