Greetings.... I need help figuring out what to do sharpening a new straight razor.

I recently purchased as a Father's Day package (gift to myself celebrating my first) from Classic Shaving that included a "pre-sharpened" Solingen straight razor. Because it stated "pre-sharpened," I attempted shaving with it out of the box after I wiped away the shipping oil on the blade with a soft barber cloth. After watching Lynn's video, which was part of the package (awesome video, by the way, Lynn!!), I stropped the blade 20 times in the X pattern and began shaving (Illinois Barber Strop, one side leather, the other cloth that came with the package). However, it pulled my beard significantly and I immediately stopped. After I got over the disappointment, watched the chapter on honing in the video and order Norton's 4000/8000 combo hone. Here's a synapsis of what I've done to date:

-Did the pyramid pattern described in the video and attempted shaving; still pulled my beard just as much as before
-Tried more strokes on the 4000 side, then on the 8K side; same pulling
-Lost track of the various combos I've tried since then; the blade now pulls ever-so-slightly less, but still pulls and doesn't cut my facial hair.
-At one point, considered that maybe I've over-honed. But, it won't cut any arm hair either, so seriously doubt this is the case, especially because you can feel it pulling, not gliding over the top as describe in the video.

I've been using a Japanese feather razor off and on for a while now and really want to move into the "regular" straight razor world. Any help/advice you may have is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance,