Good Job. It is indeed satisfying. Some find honing a chore,but for me, I find it enjoyable-yet challenging.

You were fortunate to have started on a razor that didn't present you with any problems. For the most part I've gotten great success with the Shapton Glass hones. There are razors out there, that really frustrate and sooner or later you'll find that there is no "recipe" or standard progression that works with all blades.

The Shapton's are agressive. The 16K is a great finishing stone for most razors. In my experience, overhoning usually isn't an issue. Had you started with a different razor, such as a Wacker Inox, a Friodur or a Filly- you may have had a different result, since the steel is so hard. That said, I agree that with some planning and consideration honing your own blades is worthwhile.

Even after all these years though...there are some razors that don't care how much planning you put into the task at hand.These usually leave you frustrated, pulling out your hair, and giving you a good case of carpal tunnel syndrome.