
It sounds like a regular low lipped cookie sheet would work for you... I've seen aluminum ones that look very much like cafeteria trays at the local supermarket.

Me.... I just handhold the darn things for razors, I just can't do a decent rolling hone stroke with a bench mounted hone. Drips.... err.... isn't that what pants are for?!?!?!

I've got one of those infernal "Stone Ponds"..... useless afaik. I didn't think things through.... too much cleanup time, too easy to contaminate a finer hone with the slurry of a coarser hone and well... the clamping system sucks......<sigh>. Don't get me wrong, it works but your wet towel on the bench works better and costs less but I do add the rubber stand with the two clamping screws for bench work.


Kaptain "It's downright amazing how well Shapton Glass hones work.... even without all the Shapton *system* accessories....isn't it?!?!" Zero