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  1. #1
    big al alex2363's Avatar
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    Default chinese 12k hones

    are chinese 12k hones any good, they ghave few here srp 4 sale. one is 8.00

  2. #2
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Careful... That $8 stone is a slurry stone... too small to hone your razor.
    You mean the the $30 Chinese stone... that comes with a slurry stone.
    The Chinese stones are great edge polishing/touch-up stones.

  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Yup, the $8 one is just a slurry stone. However, he has JUST ONE LEFT of the $30 cut 12K with slurry stone. This is a deal and it likely won't be repeated. I suggest that you buy it now. If for some reason you find that you don't like a narrow hone, I have no doubt that you will be able to re-sell this hone.

  4. #4
    Kurdilicious Rawaz's Avatar
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    I'm currently waiting for my chinese 12k to arrive, but i dont think it comes with a slurry stone. Will I be needing one?
    And when do I need a touchup, should i just use the chinese or sholud i go with the Norton 4k/8K first and then the chinese? What I mean is if I can touch up with just the chinese now and then, why do I need the norton? Or have I understood this wrong?
    Last edited by Rawaz; 11-09-2008 at 03:09 AM.

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    You don't need one. It's just the the 12k is a very slow stone so generating a slurry has a similar effect as that of a slurry on a coticule--it allows faster cutting and effectively creates a more coarse grit. So you would use it with a slurry first and then finish with just water for the final polish.

    As far as touch ups go, the 12K might be sufficient if you do the touch ups frequently. More likely, you will occasionally need to do a little honing with the coarser hone. A minimal honing pyramid using the Norton 4/8K, if that's what you have, might be needed sometimes. You'll need to experiment with what is needed when to keep your razors sharp. The less aggressive honing you do, the greater the odds your grandson will still be using your razors.

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  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    I just got the Chinese 12K (2x8) from Woodcraft for $20 shipped. I used it on a couple of razors yeseterday and was very pleased with the results.


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