If I tape the spine of a razor I always use Polyurethane "helicopter" tape. Its clear and abrasion resistant and is available in several different thicknesses. I use the .008" thick.

I am currently working on a W&B wedge. Using a 2K Shapton Glass stone I probably have at least 6 hours into getting the bevel set. You have to remember these blades are over a hundred years old-and maybe haven't been honed CORRECTLY since they were NEW. W&B steel is good stuff and SLOW is BETTER. Its not a race. Relax-have some patience.

Setting the bevel IS the most IMPORTANT step in honing. Screw the bevel up and you will never be satisfied with the edge. Personally I'd go more agressive than a 4K-but don't be tempted to go down to far just to speed up the process. Restoring razors takes patience and ALOT of time. HASTE MAKES WASTE!