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  1. #1
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    Default razor performance

    I have quite a thew differant razors some brand new factory dovos , restored older shave ready razors and stainless steel razors . i have just purchased a pre sharpend 7/8 flami from cs and have to say this razor shaves as good as a de blade just glides through stubble with out any effort. i carn't understand why if it is the size and weight or meterial it is made from. my other shave ready razors do shave well but now i'm comparing it to the 7/8 flami my question is do razors vary because of the qaulity of metal i keep honing on my dovo with my coticule and finish on my chr to see if i can achieve the ultimate level of sharpness but it does'nt make edghe much better and also doesn't make shaving edge any worse defanatley about the same so i think it is at its limit of keeness this is what makes me wonder if it depends on the razor and meterial it is made from.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    We all know about cheap pakistani razors and the metal used but in general most razors are made from either Silver Steel or Swedish steel or some other steel manufactured in the respective country. The common quality is that its quality steel. When you see variations with quality razors I think its more about how the razor was fabricated. The way it was forged or heat treated or how it was ground that makes the difference. I have several new TI razors and though they are all top notch razors they shave differently with some exceptional shavers as opposed to others that are a few notches below that.

    I know from experience you can hone forever and some razors just don't seem to have it in them to be really exceptional shavers. I often wonder if those lesser razors were sent out to be reground would that be the key to improving them or would it take more?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
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    The dovo i have been working on is swedisd dovo tortoise which to be fair shaves realy well i think the 7/8 flami from cs is sergical steel and was made for barbers shops to take a lot of hammer ie shave after shave may be that is why it pewrforms realy well out of all my razors they all seem to shave pritty well its when i get to the chin and shave doiwn the grain i find soime struggle in that area especialy not pulling but don't glide down the chin like my cheeks area's probably due to the chin being a smaller area i guess.

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