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  1. #1
    Senior Member persco's Avatar
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    Default Help! Need advice.

    I have been straight shaving since July, and a couple of weeks ago, a couple of my razors -- Le grelot 1/4 grind and Filiarmonica #13 (7/8 from Classic) -- needed to be resharpened.

    I am new to honing and having a real hard time trying to get these two shave sharp. The grelot has a slight warp to the blade. The Classic Fili has a smile and is a real pickle to hone.

    So here is what I have in the way of hones:

    DMT 8EE
    Chinese 12K
    Shapton 16K
    CrOx on canvas strop (Tony Miller)
    Strop (TM vegan strop that works really well)

    I have no idea whether I am doing too much on the DMT and causing a wire edge, or too little and not setting the bevel properly. I have tried progressing from the DMT to the coticule to the Chinese 12K to the Shapton and then to CrOx. I have also tried skipping the coticule and going to the Chinese and Shapton and paste. I have tried just the coticule to the paste. I have tried DMT just to the Chinese. I have tried DMT just to the Shapton. Every time I think it feels sharp (TPT -- my arm hair is much too fine to test) I go shave and get pulling, grabbing, etc.

    Both of these razors were shave sharp when I first got them, in fact the Le Grelot has been an utterly fantastic shaver until it finally just got a little dull. The Classic Fili has never really shaved great. It gave me one or two smooth shaves, then was the pits. I ordered it "pre-sharpened" but, who knows what that means. In any case I am at an impasse and seek some advice.

    Much appreciated,


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    What's done is done here, but for future reference when you are just retouching you should not have to re-set a bevel....
    That Coticule should have done a fine job all by it's little lonesome....

    The razors are most likely going to have to be re-done from scratch, I would try a pyramid or progressive set from the 4k level, and work to a finisher, (but it looks like that is the missing step in yer stone set up) and maybe that would catch an edge...(DMT8EE =1200 grit??????)
    This is a perfect time to learn the Magic Marker test to see where you are at on the edge....

    Maybe some of the real coticule users will have a good suggestion....

  3. #3
    Senior Member persco's Avatar
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    Thanks Glen,

    I don't think the Fili was ever really properly sharpened. It never gave a great shave. I was touching up the Le Grelot with a coticule and it worked like a charm for a while, then maybe I did something wrong, but it started pulling when I shaved with it, so took it to the DMT 8EE (which is an 8000 grit). I have read several posts that said the DMT 8EE is a very fast cutter (like a 4k Norton) but a finer edge (=8K).

    So if I were to try a pyramid, how many strokes on the DMT would you suggest for a first set before going to the coticule?


  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    In general I use 10 laps sets, check it, and continue, but I have never used a DMT so go slow and easy or wait until someone that is more familiar with those stones answers......

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  6. #5
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    In general I use 10 laps sets, check it, and continue, but I have never used a DMT so go slow and easy or wait until someone that is more familiar with those stones answers......
    I've used the dmt a little and the first thing you need to make sure of is that you have broken in the hone before trying it on a razor. i used the side of a cold chisel and about 200 laps on each plate to break it in. they are a little quicker than the Norton's so if you follow the 10 lap routine glen suggests you will soon have it where you need it.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    I agree with GSSIXGUN,but now that you have gone past the "just touching up stage" you really have to be sure you have a bevel set on your coarsest hone.

    Using a Magic Marker is especially useful and if you have access to magnification, by all means use it. I wouldn't even worry about "pyramids" you absolutely need to have a uniform bevel and it has to be SHARP before you progress to the finer grits.

    In my experience, both of those razors are HARD steel and will take some work to get the bevel set. You may need to go down to a much coarser hone-even with a 4K Norton you have some work to do...

  8. #7
    Senior Member persco's Avatar
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    Thanks to you both Syslight and Lt.Arclight!

    Howard Schechter sent the DMT to me already broken in, so I think I am ok there. I'll take a marker to both and give them more laps on the DMT. I have been conscious of the fact the D8EE cuts fast, and so was worried about honing the blade too much, but it sounds like the advice is to try going a little further before moving on to the coticule or the finer stones.

    I will give it a go!

    Thanks very much, fellas.


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