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  1. #1
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    Default Where to get a lapped Chinese 12k?

    I'm in the market for a Chinese 12k, but I want to buy one that's already lapped. Anyone have any ideas?
    (currently I have a Norton 4/8k and a 220)

    Btw, what's slurry?
    and how do you use it with & w/o slurry?

  2. #2
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    What brand 220 do you have?

    There is really no one that sells a lapped chinese stone. You can do it yourself with some wet/dry 3m sandpaper.

    A dmt 8c works awesome. I finally caved and bought one for my chinese and norton 4/8k. Also, you do know you need to lap the norton also right?

    Slurry is like a milky muddy mixture of stone honing material. This is created when you take a small piece of the same type of stone and rub it on the surface till you get a cloudly water mix. It's actually particles of the stone. It is said to speed up the honing process. You're always gonna finish without a slurry though.

    The chinese stone doesn't come with a slurry stone. I think chrisL on here was selling ones he cut himself, maybe he or someone can chime in.

  3. #3
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    I'm planning on buying this stone then (chinese 12k) $35 for the 2 3/4 width one

    Buy Natural Water Stone, 8" x 2-3/4" x 1-1/4", Problem Solving Products Buying

    What grit wet/dry sandpaper should I buy? I'm thinking of starting off with Grit 300 then Grit 600 to finish off. That sound good?

    (Anyone find that on their website, woodcraft?)

  4. #4
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I would go higher, most 12Ks are pretty flat. I use 1000 and 1500. Some people tell me that finding 1500 is hard. Just like hones, you would like to have a range of grits, say: 300, 600, 1K, 1.5K.

    The stones surface will smooth out based on your final grit, so with 300 you'll make the stone rougher when you start to hone. It'll eventually smooth out though, either way.

  5. #5
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    What i have to clarify Norton 220/1000 Norton 4k/8k Both are already lapped

    I just found out that because my razor has a smile that it won't make me smile when I learn to hone with it (I think I'll leave this razor that smiles to the pros and get a new one that's straight to practice on)

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