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  1. #1
    Cream Huffer
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    Default Overhoned or Technique?

    So I just finished building a set of scales for a no-name ebay special. The blade is rather short (about 2 inches) but quite wide (7/8ths), and completely flat on the bottom. I'll post some pics in a different thread.

    I set the bevel on the 4k. This went pretty fast. I have a really difficult time keeping track of the number of laps on the hones, so I think it was roughly 100 - 150 laps on the 4k.

    I then progressed to the 8k to polish out the scratch marks. I put on about 25 - 50 laps, then checked the edge with a 10x eye piece. Noticed that there were still some pretty big looking scratches then did another 20 - 25 laps (counting rather carefully this time). I checked the edge again, very shiny with very few noticeable scratches. Pops arm hair easily.

    I haven't figured out the TPT and the HHT test, so I don't use them. I am missing large patches of body hair where I test.

    I throw down ~50 laps on the strop and then shave.

    This is probably the sharpest blade I have, very little pulling and very smooth feeling on the face. But, the right half of my neck is very beaten up. Lots of red angry razor burn. I don't have this problem with my other straights.

    Have I over honed? Should I strop more? I don't plan on shaving for a couple of days (so that I can heal) but I am very interested to try this blade again and see if it is the blade or my technique.

  2. #2
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I would just back hone a little on your highest grit hone, then forward hone again in say 10-15 pass increments and test (with stropping) as you go.

  3. #3
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dnjrboy View Post
    ...This is probably the sharpest blade I have, very little pulling and very smooth feeling on the face. But, the right half of my neck is very beaten up. Lots of red angry razor burn. I don't have this problem with my other straights.

    Have I over honed? Should I strop more? I don't plan on shaving for a couple of days (so that I can heal) but I am very interested to try this blade again and see if it is the blade or my technique.

    I say strop before you hone again, and shave with a REALLY light touch. If it's the sharpest razor you have, you may be pushing too hard.

  4. #4
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    I say strop before you hone again, and shave with a REALLY light touch. If it's the sharpest razor you have, you may be pushing too hard.
    Yeah I'd eliminate user error ie pressure before going back to 8K.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    It is possible you have some ports of the edge keen, and some parts not so keen, so you may want to get familiar with those tests.
    The TNT and the TPT are two most important tests (besides the shave test), otherwise you will be “honing in the dark”.
    Sure, the eye piece will tell much about the bevel and some about the edge, but you cannot “see” the very edge. With the tests you can feel the very edge for keenness.

  6. #6
    Senior Member GhostRida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
    I would just back hone a little on your highest grit hone, then forward hone again in say 10-15 pass increments and test (with stropping) as you go.
    How much of a stropping would you give it, if you were to test it a few times?
    50 laps, more?

  7. #7
    Cream Huffer
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    I have used this blade an additional 2 times since 'the incident'. I stropped an extra 200 laps then shaved and had a pretty good go of it, but my face was still a little tender from the abuse it took. I then stropped another 100 before the second shave. Much better.

    I usually strop about 100 laps before shaving. I figure I have the time, why not strop a little more. I haven't heard of overstropping, so I figure I'm safe doing a little extra here.

    I have 5 blades in my rotation right now, sometimes I will just throw down a stropping session and put a 100 laps on each for no good reason. I don't even shave after. Like I said. I have time.

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