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  1. #1
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    Default Diamond 3micron hone...

    So I know everyone loves the Norton combo here but....

    Waterstones are known to warp over time and require flattening no? Is this not a problem with the Nortons as their harder than a traditional japanese water stone? Also I'm rather partial to the diamond products DMT makes although to be honest I've only used their rougher grits on other knives.

    Has anyone had any experience with their 3micron(8000mesh) continuous diamond surface? I like the idea that its 8"x3" just slightly larger than the 7 3/4"x 2 3/4" norton

    Bit pricey but I havn't shopped around yet...

    8" Dia-Sharp® Continuous Diamond Extra-Extra Fine - D8EE - The Consumer Link.

    Thoughts anyone? I notice in the wiki this hone appears to be placed under the 4k grit hones?
    Last edited by FreyGrimrod; 11-26-2008 at 10:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    They are fairly popular around here. I've shopped around extensively, and bought mine from here... DMT Dia-Sharp 8x3x3/8 in. Diamond Plates they have the best price I've found, and free shipping over 75 bucks.

  3. #3
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    Thank you for the tip FloorPizza also did you find it necessary to shell out the extra 15$ for the "holder" or are the non-skid rubber feet on it fine?

  4. #4
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    I did get the holder, cause it works so well with pretty much any stone you want. And at 15 bucks, it's one of the cheapest holders around.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreyGrimrod View Post
    So I know everyone loves the Norton combo here but....

    Waterstones are known to warp over time and require flattening no? Is this not a problem with the Nortons as their harder than a traditional japanese water stone? Also I'm rather partial to the diamond products DMT makes although to be honest I've only used their rougher grits on other knives.

    Has anyone had any experience with their 3micron(8000mesh) continuous diamond surface? I like the idea that its 8"x3" just slightly larger than the 7 3/4"x 2 3/4" norton

    Bit pricey but I havn't shopped around yet...

    8" Dia-Sharp® Continuous Diamond Extra-Extra Fine - D8EE - The Consumer Link.

    Thoughts anyone? I notice in the wiki this hone appears to be placed under the 4k grit hones?
    Waterstones don't warp. They get worn down with use and thats why they need to be lapped to even them out.
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  6. #6
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    I find that although mine removes metal at a relatively rapid rate, it leaves the most horrendous scratch pattern. I still use it though. I've recently aquired a natural BBW/Yellow combination so i'm experimenting with doing the main work with the DMT's, then reducing the pattern with that followed by either a vintage Thuringian or Chinese 12k.
    I like the fact that the DMT's can sharpen other things too, without ruining them for the razors.

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