I have been honing for a while now, and I now own 15 razors that I hone myself.I use the norton 4000/8000 and the 12k chinese.For lapping I use the Dmt325.To touch up razors I use Thiers-Issard paste.Everything works great, except for one thing: I can't get any good results on that damn chinese stone.Every time I've moved from the 8000, even superlight strokes on the 12k dulls the edge.I've gotten very light and consisting strokes on the norton.As a matter of fact I most often end up shaving from the 8000, with pretty good results after a nice stropping.But pretty good just doesn't cut it for me.
When I try polishing with the 12k it feels like the edge is eating into the stone.No matter how light a touch I use.This happens when I use alot of water or little water, with slurry and without slurry.I always keep it submerged, and I now its completly flat.Could I be roughening up the surface to much with my DMT? I'm completly lost here guys..That stone has used 8 of its 9 life, I'm very close to just throw it out the window.I've resently ordered the shapton 16k and chrom.Ox, so I will probably use that from the 8000 anyway.But I hate the feeling of not mastering something!!!!!
Any inputs would be greatly appriciated.

Merry christmas everyone.