Thanks Cornelius and hi_bud_gl..

You are right it wasnt shave ready. I did try it and it is getting better every time so there is still quite some progress..

I didnt do too many laps on the DMT So it could be that the double bevel was already there. Althouch I only saw it after the coticule which seems to have polished the bevel closed to the edge.

I didnt use tape so maybe I put too much pressure on the blade? I only put a finger on the blad to keep it flat on the hone.. cant imagine I flexed it that much doing that..

Maybe this wedge is just beond my noob knowledge...and I should let it lay down for a while until I get more experience and know what I'm doing.. or throw in the towel on this one..
But its not all bad news today...

I honed the Dorko I got today( and that was easy peasy.. honed it stropped it shaved with it...
