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  1. #1
    Just a wanderer on this journey mkevenson's Avatar
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    Default Why use a different 8k stone?

    Ok, so I am a bit confused. The Norton 4k/8k stone is used by many . Folowed by the yellow Coticle which I have read is also rated at 8k. Some DMTs are also listed as 8k grit. I assume that the 8k grit is different depending on the stone that you use for honing. Is this correct?

  2. #2
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I'm not sure, though I'm not sure I'm following your question either. A stone is more complicated that just its grit though. Stones have characteristics, like speed; and needs, like lapping requirements.

    I don't progress along various 8K grit ratings but I will add that I've found few stones that had the actual grit of the stones "rating".
    Last edited by AFDavis11; 01-18-2009 at 08:23 PM. Reason: spelling

  3. #3
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Out of the 8k's you mentioned, I think the order from harsh to smooth edges off of the stones are:

    DMT D8EE (8k)
    Norton 8k
    Yellow Coticule

    I don't have the DMT, but I do have the norton and the coticule. And I can tell you first hand that the 8k norton and the coticule are very different, and I use the coticule after the norton 8k, so it puts a better/smoother edge after the norton 8k. I'm pretty sure the edge off of the DMT D8EE are (from what I've gathered about reading posts about them) are coarser, as is common of diamond hones. I'll echo what AFDavis11 said, take the grit ratings with a grain of salt, all stones perform a little differently.


  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you talk to people who use the coticule they will tell you it behaves as a higher grit than 8K. At least 10K and maybe even 12K.
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