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  1. #11
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    Yup, corrosion can happen extremely quickly with carbon steel!

    After your shave the FIRST THING you need to do, before dealing with cleaning your brush, or making your face smell pretty with aftreshaves, etc, is TO CLEAN AND DRY YOUR RAZOR!

    This is not an issue with the razor as it came to you, as it came clean and oiled. It does not take weeks or months for a razor to rust, it takes only hours.

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  3. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What's kind of weird is how its mainly on one side in one spot. That ain't natural. You would think if its a rust issue it would be pretty even all along the edge and it isn't. There's something else going on here. If brasso doesn't fix it the next step is something a little more abrasive like Cape Cod Cloths and from there sanding. I doubt its a manufacturing defect but I would talk to the folks at CS about it.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  5. #13
    Senior Member Ditch Doc's Avatar
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    I tend to believe that if you dried it well, and dried the insides of the scales, it may just be a material defect.

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  7. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillF View Post
    rinsed it off w/ hot water, dried it w/ a hand towel (scales and everything) and let it sit out to dry overnight in the downstairs half/bath since it's not humid there.
    What did you do after that? Did you put it in the blue Dovo presentation case with the foam in it?
    I don't think they are safe to use unless everything is 100% dry, and even then, if anything causes condensation while in that case, I believe it gets trapped in there. I never use my Dovo case.

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  9. #15
    Junior Member WillF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajagra View Post
    What did you do after that? Did you put it in the blue Dovo presentation case with the foam in it?
    I don't think they are safe to use unless everything is 100% dry, and even then, if anything causes condensation while in that case, I believe it gets trapped in there. I never use my Dovo case.
    No, I don't store it in the blue foam case it came in. I'm really dumbfounded by this and so is everyone else it seems. Tomorrow I'll call cs and see if we can figure this out. After trying everything you guys suggested (except maas, cape cod cloths or miltec 1), I'm convinced it's a defect inside the blade composition itself. I just wish someone on here had the same thing happen... Now I'll have to switch back to my generic Solingen straight that came with my newbie starter pack!

  10. #16
    Holt County Irish sdsquarepoint's Avatar
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    I believe it is oxidation. Rubbing Maaz or Fllitz should remove it Brasso won't as it is for Brass. Early on using a straight I had a similar experience. I also strop on paper tissue over my finger after use. My 2Cents. MikeB

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  12. #17
    Junior Member WillF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdsquarepoint View Post
    I believe it is oxidation. Rubbing Maaz or Fllitz should remove it Brasso won't as it is for Brass. Early on using a straight I had a similar experience. I also strop on paper tissue over my finger after use. My 2Cents. MikeB
    what do you mean "strop on paper tissue"? w/ tissue wrapped around the blade?? I've never heard of that.

  13. #18
    Junior Member WillF's Avatar
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    I'm NOT going to post anymore on this thread. Thank you guys for all your advice. I'll take it from here.

    - Will

  14. #19
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    From my experience, I suggest checking the inside of the wood scales to see if there is some shaving lather residue inside it. I've had corrosion spots develop just like your's looks like from that very thing. Also, check to see if the wood scale is rubbing/making contact with that area of the blade.

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  16. #20
    Holt County Irish sdsquarepoint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillF View Post
    what do you mean "strop on paper tissue"? w/ tissue wrapped around the blade?? I've never heard of that.
    I just dry my blades by drying them by moving the blade across a tissue held in my other hand. Opposite of a cutting motion. I mean away from the edge. Hope this helps. MikeB

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