To try and clarify - and I have had speaks with Rob Cialis of Ardennes on this - in use i believe the BBW cuts as finely as a coti, just slower. In their official literature Ardennes state that 'In 1996-7.......we discovered a high quality whetstonewith IDENTICAL (my block caps!) sharpening properties as the yellow whetstone but obnly blue in colour, which derives from deposits of iron oxide. Almost 30% of its weight is garnet, as opposed to the yellow which has approx. 40% garnet. This means that it works just a little slower'.

I have, in use, found the BBW to give a different feel to the coti, which has a 'buttery' feel when slurried-up. The BBW tends to feel much more like a stone - it's difficult to describe. I find the BBW A1 for blades like the Wapi and some Dovo SS blades, finishing very well with a smooth, slick edge. The coti tends to e better on carbon blades. BTW nowhere does Ardennes state that the garnets are different size, just that they are 'Spessartit Garnet crystals'. Rob Cialis has confirmed to me that the above statement is true. I rate both stones very highly and use them on an everyday basis for my professional honing work.

I guess the answer lies in the user's hands - no doubt other users will employ different methods to mine in terms of technique to achieve the same results. One thing I will state with absolute clarity: I never, EVER recommend or offer for sale any product on any of my sites until I am satisfied as to its quality and effectiveness. Period!