View Poll Results: How many classic barber hones do you have?

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Thread: How many classic barber hones do you have?

  1. #81
    32t is offline
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    To keep this on topic. Close at hand this is about 1/3 of my collection.

    Name:  barber.jpg
Views: 140
Size:  45.9 KB

    To go back off topic I think that the factory process of molding the hones and the placement of the larger grit particles during that process in the binder is lost when trying to lap them.
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  2. #82
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I shaved with the gifted razor that I'll use for traveling yesterday. I'd used my new Swaty to finish the edge.

    I'd lapped the Swaty, then warmed it, applied a thick coat of Vaseline then wrapped it in foil then in a cloth and let it sit in a 150 deg F oven for quite awhile. I wiped the excess Vaseline off and then let it sit before using.

    I got a damn nice shave, the binder seems to be holding up fine as there wasn't any residue when I honed on it.

    I think it's a keeper and it'll go in the Dopp bag to travel along with me on my rides and trips.
    outback likes this.
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  3. #83
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I shaved with the gifted razor that I'll use for traveling yesterday. I'd used my new Swaty to finish the edge.

    I'd lapped the Swaty, then warmed it, applied a thick coat of Vaseline then wrapped it in foil then in a cloth and let it sit in a 150 deg F oven for quite awhile. I wiped the excess Vaseline off and then let it sit before using.

    I got a damn nice shave, the binder seems to be holding up fine as there wasn't any residue when I honed on it.

    I think it's a keeper and it'll go in the Dopp bag to travel along with me on my rides and trips.
    What did you lap it with?
    - Joshua

  4. #84
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
    What did you lap it with?
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  6. #85
    JP5 is offline
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    Sorry, missed that page!
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    - Joshua

  7. #86
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
    Sorry, missed that page!
    Things can move really fast here! I usually get emails telling me who has posted what/where but every once in awhile I'll click on the email link and I'm 5+ pages behind!!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  8. #87
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    I have one I think! It was a cheap one and probably not a real barber's hone. I will have to get some pics and see if anyone can recognize it. I wanted to use it to refresh a razor!

    EDIT: Here are a couple of pics of the barber's hone I have. Any info is appreciated! Good/bad?, Real/fake?, use/dont' use? Thx.

    Name:  BarbersHone1.jpg
Views: 113
Size:  37.3 KB
    Name:  BarbersHone2.jpg
Views: 128
Size:  54.0 KB
    Last edited by SirMike; 03-28-2019 at 03:10 AM.
    32t and MikeB52 like this.

  9. #88
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    The thing I can't completely get my head around with barber hones is that if you want a small hone to carry around, whether while traveling or just in your back pocket as you work the barbershop, why not just use a similarly sized coticule? What exactly is it that a barber hone can do for you that 5" x 2" coticule wouldn't?

  10. #89
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppetresen View Post
    The thing I can't completely get my head around with barber hones is that if you want a small hone to carry around, whether while traveling or just in your back pocket as you work the barbershop, why not just use a similarly sized coticule? What exactly is it that a barber hone can do for you that 5" x 2" coticule wouldn't?
    I think a lot of people like the novelty and history of the barber hones. If I was travelling with a razor/hone, I would prefer the hone not be a stone I would worry about getting damaged. I can't speak for other people though, that is just my guess.
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  11. #90
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppetresen View Post
    The thing I can't completely get my head around with barber hones is that if you want a small hone to carry around, whether while traveling or just in your back pocket as you work the barbershop, why not just use a similarly sized coticule? What exactly is it that a barber hone can do for you that 5" x 2" coticule wouldn't?
    Its a keener edge, than any Coti edge I've tried, or honed myself. But has the same attributes as a Coti does on the skin.

    I've got four different Coties, all have been totally smoked, by the Swaty. Yeah, I was surprised as well, being I typically shave off an Escher mostly.

    Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Coties, their great for some, just not my cup O tea

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