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  1. #1
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Default my Thuringian Quest...

    Here's a few Thuringians I have acquired over the last few weeks. I have been questing after some after I learned I have some family members from that area on my dad's side.

    Hones next to a 6/8" W&B for size perspective.
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    Name:  Thuringian photos 074.jpg
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    The little one came in a box, label intact as shown. It's a pretty neat little fella, and it gives a pretty good shavin' finish. I got him first.

    Name:  Thuringian photos 071.jpg
Views: 504
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    I would rate it as minimally finer than my fine coticule when I honed a razor(Dubl Duck Special No.1) approx 75 laps. 25 with slurry, 50 water only, and examined under microscope at 60-100x.

    This larger one, I just got in the mail today. It's a Muller water stone, and people have talked about them on the forums off and on.

    Name:  Thuringian photos 074.jpg
Views: 531
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    It's noticeably coarser feeling, and much softer to lap than the little one. It's not uniform in color, and has some inclusions. They seem to be softer than the stone, or the steel so far... so no worries yet.

    I would rate it as minimally coarser edge finish than my fine coticule using the same process above, but with provided slurry stone.

    They both feel different than other stones.

    Kind of a mix between the clay-like grab of my Japanese hone and the smooth-but-sort-of-chalky feel of the Belgian hones.

    Anyhow, I think they are pretty neat and thought I would share.
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    Last edited by joke1176; 03-18-2009 at 11:37 PM.

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I've got those exact same two hones! My Muller looks nothing like yours though. Yours appears to have a non-homogenous texture to it. My Muller doesn't feel like some of my finer Eschers when honing but its pretty close. I guess that's the luck of the draw when you are buying rocks.

    Is your little one glued into the box? Mine was but it isn't any more. I prefer to use it in my palm without the box in the way. I really like the little guy.

  3. #3
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Tiny Tim isn't glued in. It used to be from the way it looks though. I used it on a few warped razors, and a few shave ready ones to test it out. I like mine too.

    I was hoping I could get a larger version with this Muller stone, but ebay was unkind.

    That's OK, I can work it into my progression between my belgian blue and my coticule. It seems to work pretty well so far, and I messed around with it a bit more after my first post. I can coax a pretty fine edge out if it actually.

    Still nowhere near my Nakayama... but hey.

  4. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Are you coming to the Mid-Mo get together? I think I remember you didn't want it at the end of the month because of your anniversary and then it got set for the end of the month. Hopefully your wife will be understanding, or at least tolerant. If you are coming, and if I manage to make it this time, then maybe we can compare Mullers....and Thuringians, and Nakayamas, and coticules!

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Default hone

    HI Joe
    these are great stones . After Nakayama you still buying hones? Welcome to addiction brother.Small one should perform great feels like harder then rest of escher's.
    Thank you for sharing pictures

  6. #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    HI Joe
    these are great stones . After Nakayama you still buying hones? Welcome to addiction brother.Small one should perform great feels like harder then rest of escher's.
    Thank you for sharing pictures
    Well of course! I mean, after you get one Nakayama, you have to ask yourself, maybe some other Nakayama might be better. Then of course if you get another and find that it is better, then you have to wonder if there might be one that is even more better. On the other hand, if you get another and find that it is not better, then that means that your first one was better, which still means that some are better than others and maybe the NEXT one you buy might be even more better!

    In addition, though I have several Eschers, I don't have a brown Escher like you have so obviously I need to keep an eye out for one of those because they might be better than my Nakayama, or at least better than one of my Nakayamas, or if not, maybe some other brown Escher might be better than any of my Nakayamas and I still haven't tried Shaptons and who knows what some nutjob on this board is going to announce as the next best hone and can I really keep hiding rocks from my wife or tell her the truth about how much I paid for a ROCK but then again there may still be another Nakayame that is even better but then again Glen pointed out that maybe the key is the lower grit hones for bevel setting and maybe I need more hones in the 1K range and Jimmy was only missing 4 of the hones on Glen's list and I don't have any tattoes at all and it might be that if aliens came with better rocks from their planet that they might only give them to honemeisters with tattoes but they might not work as well as Bart's coticule for bevel setting but for a final polish I hear that DMT is going to come out with a 31K diamond plate right after they finish the 4k plate to fill in that gap and then it's likely that I'll have all the hones I need until Lynn comes out with another DVD.

  7. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    Blade (03-19-2009), Evritt (01-01-2011), hi_bud_gl (03-19-2009), JimmyHAD (03-19-2009), joke1176 (03-19-2009), MichaelC (03-19-2009)

  8. #7
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Ron, that is just soooo funny!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Well of course! I mean, after you get one Nakayama, you have to ask yourself, maybe some other Nakayama might be better. Then of course if you get another and find that it is better, then you have to wonder if there might be one that is even more better. On the other hand, if you get another and find that it is not better, then that means that your first one was better, which still means that some are better than others and maybe the NEXT one you buy might be even more better!

    In addition, though I have several Eschers, I don't have a brown Escher like you have so obviously I need to keep an eye out for one of those because they might be better than my Nakayama, or at least better than one of my Nakayamas, or if not, maybe some other brown Escher might be better than any of my Nakayamas and I still haven't tried Shaptons and who knows what some nutjob on this board is going to announce as the next best hone and can I really keep hiding rocks from my wife or tell her the truth about how much I paid for a ROCK but then again there may still be another Nakayame that is even better but then again Glen pointed out that maybe the key is the lower grit hones for bevel setting and maybe I need more hones in the 1K range and Jimmy was only missing 4 of the hones on Glen's list and I don't have any tattoes at all and it might be that if aliens came with better rocks from their planet that they might only give them to honemeisters with tattoes but they might not work as well as Bart's coticule for bevel setting but for a final polish I hear that DMT is going to come out with a 31K diamond plate right after they finish the 4k plate to fill in that gap and then it's likely that I'll have all the hones I need until Lynn comes out with another DVD.
    ...................... ........That is the funniest post I have ever read ! .

    Edit; and the funniest thing about it is that it is so true.
    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 03-19-2009 at 04:42 AM.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Default good one

    hey i couldn't read until the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Well of course! I mean, after you get one Nakayama, you have to ask yourself, maybe some other Nakayama might be better. Then of course if you get another and find that it is better, then you have to wonder if there might be one that is even more better. On the other hand, if you get another and find that it is not better, then that means that your first one was better, which still means that some are better than others and maybe the NEXT one you buy might be even more better!

    In addition, though I have several Eschers, I don't have a brown Escher like you have so obviously I need to keep an eye out for one of those because they might be better than my Nakayama, or at least better than one of my Nakayamas, or if not, maybe some other brown Escher might be better than any of my Nakayamas and I still haven't tried Shaptons and who knows what some nutjob on this board is going to announce as the next best hone and can I really keep hiding rocks from my wife or tell her the truth about how much I paid for a ROCK but then again there may still be another Nakayame that is even better but then again Glen pointed out that maybe the key is the lower grit hones for bevel setting and maybe I need more hones in the 1K range and Jimmy was only missing 4 of the hones on Glen's list and I don't have any tattoes at all and it might be that if aliens came with better rocks from their planet that they might only give them to honemeisters with tattoes but they might not work as well as Bart's coticule for bevel setting but for a final polish I hear that DMT is going to come out with a 31K diamond plate right after they finish the 4k plate to fill in that gap and then it's likely that I'll have all the hones I need until Lynn comes out with another DVD.

  11. #10
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Yeah, I am coming to the get-together. My anniversary can wait... actually the wife is cool with that, since I told her we would make it up at a later date. We aren't really sure when exactly we started dating anyhow, so the timeline is nebulous.

    Hell, I'm ALWAYS looking for more hones... I have a problem, but admitting it is the first step. Right?

    I would like to get some lower grit naturals myself, actually. But that will probably have to wait.

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