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  1. #1
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Default Touch-up dilema....solved!

    Hey all,

    So I was having trouble deciding which hone to keep in the bathroom for easy touch-ups. As far as finishing hones I have: a 3 line swaty, a hard coticule, and a yellow green celebrated water hone (thuringian). I like all my hones, but am admittedly partial to natural stone, so the touch-up hone was between the coticule and the y/g thuringian.

    Firstly I wanted just the yellow/green because it's my finest hone (in terms of grit). I love my coticule too, but think the edge off the coticule wouldn't be QUITE as fine as off the yellow/green.

    Solution: keep BOTH in the bathroom! I just pulled out a razor that I haven't used in a bit, gave it 10 laps on the coticule with water, then 10 on my yellow/green. Shaved well. I plan on doing the same routine for all touch-ups, 10 coticule and 10 yellow/green. They're both slow and really fine, so I think that's a good amount.

    So the lesson of the story is: why restrict your touch-up hones to 1 great hone when you can have 2 great hones!

    P.S. they both look very sexy sitting side-by-side on the counter beside my razor.

  2. #2
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    Dave, just a thought, but if you have to use 2 hones for a touch up then your razor might be beyond the touch up stage and into the light honing stage. What do others think?

  3. #3
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    Dave, just a thought, but if you have to use 2 hones for a touch up then your razor might be beyond the touch up stage and into the light honing stage. What do others think?
    I see what you're saying....but I don't it's doing that much since I'm using slow hones. 10 laps on a coticule with just water, and slow and hard one at that, isn't really all that much. I could see myself needing 20 laps on that coticule for a touch-up. But I figured doing 10 on that coticule, then 10 more on my y/g stone would be similar. So I see it as just cutting the amount of laps I'd need on one stone in half for 2 stones.

    I'll experiment and maybe try 5 and 5, so 10 laps total, and see if that's enough.

    I'm fully aware that I don't need to use 2 stones for touch-ups, I just need an excuse to use both!

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    Yeah, I have a hard coticule too and I'm thinking that laps in the 10-20 range might be pretty ineffective. I'm wondering if using a stone and some paste (chrome) would be considered "cheating" on touch ups too.

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    If you think two hones look good in the bathroom, how about three? You could do two strokes on the Swaty, 9 on the coticule, and 9 on the thuringian. That way, none of them feel left out. Besides, three hones are sexier than two!

  6. #6
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    If you think two hones look good in the bathroom, how about three? You could do two strokes on the Swaty, 9 on the coticule, and 9 on the thuringian. That way, none of them feel left out. Besides, three hones are sexier than two!
    Too true, the more hones the better right! But I wouldn't want to make any of them jealous...

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