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  1. #32
    Member ZethLent's Avatar
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    Your statement about the Shapton #16000 is also a little puzzling to me.

    I know many of the users here that have and use the shapton #16000 are extremely happy with the results (I don't have one nor do I plan to get one).

    I have read the Japanese language Glass Stone pdf a number of times and what is puzzling is how the #16000 is rated so low for use with razors. It has the lowest rating in the chart, along side hones #1000 and lower.

    Oddly the majority of the other stones are all mid range 'good/appropriate' for use with razors. But the 'optimal' hones in the glass series is the #3000, the #10000 (newly released) and the #30000.

    It is just so puzzling as to why the owners of the #16000 laud its greatness when the manufacturer down plays it as appropriateness for use in polishing razors.

    Don't get me wrong, I am a firm beleiver that the proof in is the pudding, and with all of the great results by chrisL and others who can argue its worth, but why the poor rating from Shapton...?
    Last edited by ZethLent; 04-15-2009 at 12:51 AM.

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