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  1. #31
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bart View Post
    That's interesting, Ron. I have a Nakayama from our own Oldschool. It looks quite different than yours. Mine has a pear skin appearance. (called Nashii, if I recall correctly) It is a very nice hone, but I never quite got the jaw dropping experience that several seasoned honers reported about at the time I bought mine.

    Would you mind elaborating on how you use a mediator before finalizing on your Nakayama?

    Best regards,
    I recently got a set of the Naniwa Superstones--200, 400, 1k, 3k, 5k, 8k, 10k, and 12k. I realize that most say that each progression can be a doubling of the grit size but I really like what I am getting from using these smaller steps. Anyway, I've tried going from both the Norton 8k and the Naniwa Superstone 8k straight to the Asagi. When I do that, I get very little feedback. If I instead do 5-10 passes on the 10k and 5-10 passes on the 12k before the Asagi, then that is when the edge strongly sticks to the stone.

    I liken it to the way two hones stick together when you rub them under water. They stick much more strongly when the two hones have lapped each other to smoothness. It seems that when my edges are more polished that they stick more strongly when honing on the Asagi. I have come to believe that I can pretty well judge how well honed my razor is by how well it sticks to the Asagi.

    I first noticed this while using the superstones and I've been so happy with the effect that I've barely picked up any of the other hones for the past few weeks. I haven't really adequately tested this yet with using coticules or eschers as the intermediate but I suspect the same effect will occur.
    Last edited by Utopian; 04-30-2009 at 12:49 AM.

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  3. #32
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    I use mine in a finisher progression roughly as follows:
    DMT1200->DMT8000->BBW->coticule->thuringian->coticule->escher-> Nakayama.*

    Mostly as an excuse to fool around with all those pretty rocks, really.

    I CAN jump from 8k straight to Nakayama... but it takes me too long to get to a proper smooth edge, and then I don't get to play with my other toys.

    *Actual order may vary, depending on lunar calendar, color of underwear, etc.
    Nice job justifying all of your toys!

  4. #33
    zib is offline
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    Sounds like the Nakayama's have it. OS, Hook me up....I've been using the Naniwa 12k with good results, then crox....I'm very impressed so far, until then, it's been a hard coti. I can't afford one of those expensive Eschers or Japanese Naturals. Maybe OS can give me a payment plan.
    We have assumed control !

  5. #34
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Hey zib, I don't know how much better you can
    get than your 12k + CrO -- I've heard that the
    Naniwa stone is a great finisher and I know
    what the special green treatment does

    - Scott

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  7. #35
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    After the 8k I go the coticule w/water than yellow/green escher. I've never tried any of the high grit synthetics (i.e. 10k, 12k, 16k, etc.) or a japanese natural so I can't speak to the quality of those hones. But I'm more than happy with the edges that I get off of my stones.

    I say that if you're happy with the shaves that you're getting off your last stone than that's your favourite stone.

  8. #36
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    8000 Norton and a Chinese blue 12,000 then a .05 diamond paste

    I simply can't afford the higher quality Japanese stones as much as I'd like to try one. Escher's are also pushing my budget. Honestly if I take my time which seems to be the rule anytime you do any razor work they come out very well and give a great shave.

  9. #37
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    Wow responses all over the place but a lot of you seem to be playing with Japanese naturals. Thanks for all the feedback.

  10. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
    Mmmm this guy looks familier...

    What's up DC?

  11. #39
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    Final polish... Norton 8K.... I couldn't ask for a better finisher.

  12. #40
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    A barber hone. Lately it's been one of these 2 old barbers' hones circa 1860-70. No idea what they are... they both work nice though (the gray one seems a bit finer than the brown).
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