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  1. #1
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    Default hanging hair and arm tests...

    A couple of questions about all the sharpness tests I keep reading about.

    I've only recently started this whole straight razor venture and have been honing a few razors to get them up to snuff. I have 3 main razors and all three seem to shave fine/well. I get a nice clean, close shave with no pulling and no razor burn. However, only one of them consistently passes the "hanging hair test". 2 of them do only after significant stropping on a pasted strop. None of them pass the arm hair test (which I confess, I may not be doing right at all - i'm just taking a wild guess as to how i'm supposed to do it).

    So I guess I'm asking, should I be satisfied with the way the razors are actually shaving now, or should I be looking to attain a higher, more elusive level of razor sharpness?

    Any and all input is appreciated.

    thanks much.

  2. #2
    Senior Member superfly's Avatar
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    Hi, addictedtotone

    I found that the best way to hone the razor is the pyramidal method, alternating the rough and fine side of the hone. This creates a very fine edge without the bur forming. Today i honed two razors this way that passed the arm hair and the hanging hair tests without stropping at all. They also can split hair lenghtwise. Just keep wery light touch on the last honing and polishing strokes.

    The arm hair test is done by hovering the razor about half lenght of your arm hair, about 3-6 mm from the skin, and pushing trough. The razor should catch and cut hairs.

    The best way to get a sence for this test is to take a DE blade an do both of this tests, hanging and arm hair, this woud give you feel what a sharp razor should perform.

    best of luck,

    p.s. stand by for hanging hair test animation...

  3. #3
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I think, as many here have said, a razor is sharp enough when you get a close comfortable shave. 8)

  4. #4
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    RichZ has a good answer. The tests are used to indicate if a razor is ready for a shave test.

    At the same time I have to say that you will probably try to hone the razor to an even edge.
    Please do so cautiously. I do not know what hones you have but what I am doing is as follows.

    I use a Norton 4000/8000 plus a 0.5 micron pasted strop layed flat on a piece of glass.

    4000 grit / 8000 grit (uise light pressure on all laps)
    3/5 , 3 laps on the 4000 grit followed by 5 laps on the 8000 grit
    followed by
    1/5 , 1 lap on the 4000 grit followed by 5 laps on the 8000 grit
    followed by
    1/5 , one lap on the 4000 grit followed by 5 laps on the 8000 grit
    followed by
    25 laps on the pasted strop, then clkean the razor before the next step
    35 laps on the plain leather strop

    Now you understand the notation of
    25 pasted strop
    35 plain leather

    Then shave again,

    Repeat if desired. This is a slow method but it does work.

    Hope this helps,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  5. #5
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    thanks for the input all.

    I 1000/4000 combo and an 8000 stone. Plus I use a 0.5 chromium oxide compound on a paddle strop.

    I have been using the pyramid method as I've read here and am only beginning to realize that it may take dozens of cycles (of pyramids) to get the razor really sharp.

    My razors are more consistently passing the hanging hair (although the hair is less likely to "pop" off than it is to "mostly pop" off (i.e. comes partially off) or to split. Still don't pass the arm hair test (If i'm doing it right).

    All that said, all of my razors (with the exception of a stupid pakistan razor which I bought in way too much haste) shave very well and comfortably. I have fairly course hair and the W&B chopper I just honed up goes through it like butter...

    Anyways, more input is still appreciated.

    Vancouver, BC

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