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  1. #1
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    Default refinmant keenes

    Lets just say i hone a razor .using my coticule with slurry then finishing with water which i do but i find it is not always as sharp as could be i no i could use bbw to refine but that does not allways work. Would a barber hone improve. and then yellow to finish has any tryed this? If so does it work well.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Gary for "sharpness", you need to drop into the 4k-8k level I know that sounds counter intuitive but that is what I have found to work....

    Smoothness is one thing sharpness is another...

    I hope that made some sense....

  3. #3
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    To be onest that is what i find droping back to 4k 8k then yellow or bbw then yellow is realy consistant and fantastic edge. I keep trying yellow with slurry then water finish and no way does the cotcule on its own produce a edge that glides throught my stubble it will shave with out pulling but there is resistance that i don't like i love honing on coticule with slurry the feel of the stone is great but the resulting edge is not this is why i carn't understand why the coticule is so versatile when the edge is not ultra sharp. The only differance being ultra smooth i am coming to the conclusion that it is a great finisher but that is what may be i will be using it for from now on. Plus touch ups

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Try your vintage Thuringian hone. It makes a difference after the coticule, it has been my final polisher before I got the Nakayama and the Charnley Forest.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  5. #5
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    Thanxs for the thuringan kees i've just honed blade on slurry then water and it shaved ok i will add my thuringian on my next shave and see i used it on my new silver wing that came to finished on 10k naniwa i did 15 laps on thuringian and it was hard to tell but i'm sure it did make a differance as in a bit more glide

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