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  1. #1
    ajg is offline
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    Default A couple of sharpening questions

    First, I recall seeing somewhere a suggestion that a piece of electrical tape be put on the back of the razor when honing to prevent wear. Does anyone do this and how, if at all, does it impact the edge you are able to get? Is protecting the back while honing really a concern and if so, what other methods exists for preventing wear there while honing?

    Second, I see many comments here on razors which Lynn has sharpened but search as I may, I cannot find any information on how to get a razor to him to be sharpened, cost, etc. Will somebody please provide me with this information?

    Thanks to all from a new guy.

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    You can drop Lynn a pm. He is adjustme69 here and has alot of posts.
    I have a number of his shavers. They are all excellent, and he will take care of any problems.

    I don't worry about electrical tape when honing. I think you have to be awfully compulsive to worry about something like that - but that is just my opinion. If you properly hone, you could use one razor the rest of you life and not have any appreciable wear on the spine.


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    Default Tape, etc....

    Lynn will read your post.....

    As to the tape, it can be very detrimental to a good razor, and create a "compound angle" on the edge (not good!). I used some duct tape (thinner than electrical tape, and more frictionless) to RECREATE an edge on one of the old razors I was restoring, to eliminate a compound edge that was already there!

    Once a new bevel had been created, I worked at restoring a valid edge-to-spine angle WITHOUT the tape.

    Most razors will be just fine on the hone, with the spine exposed! Remember, they were DESIGNED to do that, and the edge and spine slowly wear evenly, together, over time, to continue to provide the proper geometry.

    Unless you have a really hosed-up blade, I wouldn't mess with tape.

    Best -

  4. #4
    ajg is offline
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    Thank you both for your comments. Greatly appreciated.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I would only add that if you have one of those deluxe pretty razors with the gold wash on the spine and are using it alot, over time the wash will come off. Thats about the only reason I could think of to put tape on the spine. But then again most razors like that are more display types or for rare use I would think

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