After looking at your work on the book binding and the auto interior I can say without a doubt...

1. You belong here! You have OCD just like the rest of us!

2. Your work is really nice.

3. You have the determination/patience to learn this.

Razor...if you have not already breadknifed that razor then please post a pic of it and also the area where the nick(s) are on the edge. I have stopped using the breadknife technique. Instead I just put 3 layers of black electrical tape on the spine and start honing on 500 grit if it is a visable nick or 1000 grit if I can only feel it when using the thumbnail test (TNT test). After the nick is gone then I remove the 3 layers of tape and replace it with one layer and perform 25-50 laps on the 1000 grit to get the proper angle on the bevel.
Getting a good bevel is one of the most critical requirements. If you don't then everything that follows is for naught.