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Thread: Str8 from 1k

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, I submit for you, FIFTY Micron Chromium Oxide or..I shaved off of a 300 grit edge this A.M

    I do have my doubts that the chrome ox mentioned in that post is actually and consistently as coarse in particle size as 50 micron. I was able to get a successful and comfortable shave, although on the lower end of that spectrum without irritation. I did shave slower than normal with short deliberate passes.

    Lynn says it best when he talks about how many of us knowing full well that we don't NEED to use hones finest to the Nth degree, are in pursuit of that "perfect" edge. The journey even if it's not necessary is enjoyable. Kind of like a surfer continuously in search of that perfect wave I would imagine.

    Chris L
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  2. #12
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisL View Post
    Gentlemen, I submit for you, FIFTY Micron Chromium Oxide or..I shaved off of a 300 grit edge this A.M

    I do have my doubts that the chrome ox mentioned in that post is actually and consistently as coarse in particle size as 50 micron. I was able to get a successful and comfortable shave, although on the lower end of that spectrum without irritation. I did shave slower than normal with short deliberate passes.

    Lynn says it best when he talks about how many of us knowing full well that we don't NEED to use hones finest to the Nth degree, are in pursuit of that "perfect" edge. The journey even if it's not necessary is enjoyable. Kind of like a surfer continuously in search of that perfect wave I would imagine.
    Chris L
    Ummmm I would prefer hearing about a 50 micron hone finished without stropping as such would then be relevant here.

  3. #13
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Ah so... the point being that with improved honing skills the shave improved. Very true and I for one am seeking to ....hone my skills ... and no pun intended.

    I believe improvement must begin at the foundation.

    I used essentially the same techniques I described with the "bbw enough?"thread : one sided honing to set; straight and x strokes to refine. Here I finished with two laps of deliberate back hone strokes.

    The same wet face and lather prep. Without dry shaving I gave every advantage to the beard. No stropping.

    Now my barber tells me my beard is "kinda tough", my face is not rawhided, and I am not a wizard. If I can do it anyone can.

    The point I am trying to make though is; how can one improve in skill, or evaluate the state of their honing if one does not first understand on a personal, intimate level what is possible; what is the potential for each hone in the progression to make improvement?

  4. #14
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I've gotten a pretty decent shave off dmt-e, but I consider it an exception. I think I can pull it off with 0.3%-1% of my razors. If I were better at honing that may increase, but it will never be a very high number.

    It's all a matter of what you're after. Most people have way more hone than skill, which is fine, any hone is way, way cheaper than skill.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Hi Kevin,
    I never thought of doing a grit experiment in that direction. Counterintuitive in my head, but the idea is worth entertaining. Let me ask you, do you visualize a serrated edge or the same product when we go to the other end of the spectrum i.e. getting a extremely defined fine edge with no grooves, teeth etc. accomplished through technique. I mean you can drive a finishg nail home with a sledge hammer but that would be hard to do without collateral damage. Not saying you can't but it would be more difficult.

  6. #16
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Skill takes time and practice. Doing stuff like this is a teaching tool for me.

    I can tell where my honing is and what the strop is doing. If I only hurry to the end; and it is not good. I don't know what it might be. Or, if it is good; what was the key.

    By the time it came to trying the 8k, I was back to the same 8k edge I had experienced before. Over doing it somewhat at 1 and 5k had no benefit in the long run

  7. #17
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevint View Post
    I believe improvement must begin at the foundation.
    This is the quintessential part of all skills, trust me I can go on and on about this, heck I am a Martial Arts Instructor after all, we all can get diarrhea of the mouth when it comes to talking about how true skill begins at the foundation....

    I am going to try this on the next two razors I have to hone Kev, I wanna try pushing the edges on a Naniwa and a Shapton 1k just to see what happens...

  8. #18
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    I have always wanted to see if a honing expert could get a good shave off a 1k . I also agree with all that the best way to get the best shave possible is by using not a hone to the NTH degree but by having really good honing skills.

  9. #19
    JMS is offline
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    And I thought all this time I only needed a great set of stones. Who knew I actually needed skills and practice?

  10. #20
    Power Fantastic
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    I would be afraid to do this......but then again, I am a newb.

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