Okay, so I've got about five razors at the moment and they're all going to need sharpening at some point. (Get it? "Point"? Haw haw).

I've been using my leather belt as a strop, and I'm going to get one of those leather/linen combos in the future; but let's talk hones.

Mind telling me which hone on classic shaving.com would be the best? Around the 1000 level?
Assuming all five razors are relatively sharp, if not keen, I'd recommend getting a couple of paste strops first. Unless you ding the edge or acquire an outright dull razor, the paste strop will keep you going a lllloooonnngggg, long time when plain leather no longer does the trick. A small two-sided paddle strop and an ordinary paste set will cost less than $30. If you have a good careful stropping technique, strop before each shave, and avoid razor accidents, you may never need a razor hone. Well .... maybe in a few years.