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Thread: Honing Lessons

  1. #21
    Senior Member str8rzrshvr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69
    What do you guys think about me trying to get the web cam going on Yahoo messenger and then trying to have a Q&A along with demonstrations of honing and stropping?? Lemme know. Lynn
    Great idea! It will be a whole lot easier for me to watch you do that than for me to have to keep hitting stop, rewind, and play while watching your video! LOL

  2. #22
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    A broadcast is going to kill you connection though .... :-s

  3. #23
    Member yan3751's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbuemi1577
    Id love to see a video of you honing ! This is a scary part to my purchase of a straight razor, im scared i will ruin the blade
    Gotta add a "me too". As far as straight razors go, I suspect that the second most common newbie fear (after "gee, I hope that I don't slice my face off") is "gee, I hope that I don't have only a handfull of good shaves with this thing before I completely screw it up".

    The first video was invaluable. This one likely would be as well.

  4. #24
    Rik is offline
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    Lightbulb Lynn, have you considered creating a DVD?


    Since your name is synonymous with creating a keen edged razor, have you considered creating a DVD?

    I picked up John West's video featuring Greg Ives and found it useful. But it seems the majority of us are using Norton or similar honing stones and taking advantage of the techniques the wider stones allow. Consider throwing in info on using paddle strops, Hand American's Leather Flatbed Hones, etc.

    Include your shaving segment or one where you aren’t limited by time showing how to properly prepare ones face for shaving and I imagine that would be an item many would willing to purchase – I know I would.

    Of course you would have to include some Harley footage and reveal just how much of the straight razor market you actually own.

  5. #25
    Member mbuemi1577's Avatar
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    id buy it too

  6. #26
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69
    LOLOLOL.....may end up being short videos if I can't get the Web Cam figured out. Second one where I can't get it to work with Messenger. I keep getting a server error message.....dang...... Lynn

    Hey Lynn,

    You know my offer of free tech support even onsite when you need still stands. want me to come over sometime and give you a hand? I promise not to drool on your razors again, and I'll even bring an extra shoe for the little pup there .


  7. #27
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69
    What do you guys think about me trying to get the web cam going on Yahoo messenger and then trying to have a Q&A along with demonstrations of honing and stropping?? Lemme know. Lynn

    Will we be able to do the Honing/stropping demos/videos? I'm dying to have some media that can be played over and over again, and if you put it on video I'm planning on attending so I can record it for the records.

    I'm having a heck of a time with one of these flea market razors I have. I've honed on the multi-20 count you showed me til both sides look even with no nicks, then I've done the 5/5 3/3 1/3 1/3 over and over again but It still isnt' getting clean shave level. It shaves "ok" but that's about it and the rounded tip can't be used very well. a couple of the other razors I've gone through the process with so far seems to work great.

    Also, if anyone has any suggestions, the "away" stroke seems to be giving me a different angle on the blade. I know it's got to be the way I'm holding it but I'd swear it's level/flat with both the spine and the blade sliding evenly on the stone. Thanks in advance for any help. I don't mean not to respond with thanks when folks post. I just get so busy that I often don't realize until it's far too late that I haven't said thanks so here it is in advance

  8. #28
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I don't use the technique any longer but I used to hone towards me on one side then after lifting the blade move the razor to the opposite hand and hone toward me again. That way there isn't an away stroke to mess up. Your always looking right into the edge. I would try 30 passes on the 8,000 and veer away from the 4,000 for a spell on the razor in question. Try that. Try slight pressure vs no pressure for the first 20 passes. I believe pyramiding is great to get a razor shaving but after that the really high quality edges get too much damage from a 4,000 and you need to move to more gentle action. Just my opinion anyway.

  9. #29
    MOD and Giveaway Dude str8razor's Avatar
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    I think that it is very good idea. Sometimes watching something like that is better than reading several posts.

    Bill Watkins

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