Quote Originally Posted by khaos View Post
Lol a lot of people would shoot you for doing that but hey whatever works.
I know that 1,000 passes for each side sounds extreme, but I don't really want to get into restorations and wanted something that would work for touch-ups between honing. I bought a pocket microscope from Radio Shack to check the edge and took a look. I had thought it just needed touching up since I bought vintage and it would dry shave the hair on my arm when I bought it several months ago.

When I looked at it under the microscope I saw that the edge was uneven and had microscopic serrations from one end to the other. I bread knifed the edge to even it out and then honed it for 100 passes and checked it again. I could see that the bread knifing had worked and since this is my only stone I proceeded to check after every 100 passes 'till it looked uniformly sharp and all the serrations had gone and the bevel at the edge was uniform, also. I could have bought a barber's hone on-line and waited for it to arrive and saved my shoulders from some ware-and-tare but I had plenty of time Labor Day afternoon when every thing had settled down, so I got into a routine and went to work.

These shaves this week have been much more comfortable and my face less irritated so it was worth it.