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Thread: The Ticket

  1. #1
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    Default The Ticket

    I'm not sure if I am duplicating information on this one. If so, I apologize. But, I just have to say something about the system for sharpening that Keith at Hand American puts out. It is absolutely amazing...

    If you don't have it... check it out

  2. #2
    Rik is offline
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    Thumbs up

    I use their 3"x15" Leather Flatbed Hone and love it. I'm able to have various abrasive pastes and then switch to the conditioned leather as my final strop. This removed numerous variables such as cupped leather, proper strop tension ext. allowing me to focus soley on form.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    I agree with Bill. The psa scary sharp system is by far the best deal out there for knife sharpening. I have not tried it on my razors yet, except for the leather of course. I would love to know about your specific technique and grits for rzors Bill. His latest model wiht the magnetic base and plate glass, stone, and extra leather is an incredible bargain (under 50.00). I am giving these out as Christmas presents this year. Plus, he is a great guy to deal with.

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