So as I was honing the other day, I was not able to rinse my swarf off- well... was too lazy to walk to the bathroom and didn't want to dump it on the floor so...- anyways... I let my stones swarf. And obviously water evaporated, but the steel stayed there so it got thicker and thicker. And I honestly feel it made each stone "higher" in grit. Does this sound right? Almost as if when I started a 1k was a 1k, but as it started swarfing up the steel filled in gaps and made it more like a 1.5k. Does this sound accurate? Or did I magically just improve my honing technique a lot in one session? I dunno. It happened across the 1k 3k and 5k nani I use. Obviously I can't tell on my naturals because they also develop slurry.