Hey all,

So I've been doing all my honing lately on my coticules (either the bbw to coticule, or just straight coticule).

I have a Nakayama Maruichi Kiita (from O_S over the summer). It's a great finisher, but it is fairly slow. One progression I've used is:

coti w/heavy slurry
bbw with light slurry (which is slowy diluted)
coti w/water
Nakayama w/water

The last step can be skipped as I quite like the edge of the coticule. But I was just wondering if I could skip the coti w/water step altogether, since both the coti w/water step and the Nakayama step are both just polishing the edge mostly.

So, anyone go from BBW to Nakayama?

IIRC, I think holli4pirating mentioned going from BBW to his Asagi....I hope you can come along to voice you opinion/findings.
