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  1. #1
    Senior Member Alan12's Avatar
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    Default Proper sequence for honing a new/not terribly dull razor.

    Hello fellas. I just got my hands on a Norton 4000/8000 stone, a Belgian Hone and a strop with 5 micron Diamond paste. Now....what do I do and in what order do I do it. I have Lynn's DVD. I just need someone to tell my how many times on each piece. I appreciate any help you can give.


  2. #2
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    I may not be a honemeister but I can tell you that no one here will be able to give you a step by step instructional guide to sharpening your razor, especially when it comes to number of strokes, etc. There is more art involved than science when it comes to honing, and there are just too many factors involved to give a quick lesson. Experience is also a huge factor as well.

    A good start would be describing the razor and level of current sharpness before anyone can assess what needs to be done.

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    The most efficient order would be 4k, 8k, Belgian (assuming it's a coti), paste. If by new you mean it's straight from the factory, you should assess the edge before starting, but for a new Dovo you may be able to do... well I wouldn't suggest using pressure, so maybe 80-100 circles per side followed by 15 X strokes on the 4k, then 15 X strokes on the 8k and then whatever you want to finish (10-25 on the coti depending on the size and then 10 on the paste). Can't say for sure if that will work, but it's what I would approximate based on what I have done with new Dovo's on Naniwa hones. (You can see how there is no clear translation because we are different people, the hones are different, and I can play with pressure to cut down on the numbers.)

  4. #4
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    The only thing I would add is go light on number of passes with the paste. I've been honing for a year and am certainly no pro but was told too many passes on Chromium-Oxide would run a freshly honed edge, I just assume the same would go for Diamond paste. Maybe another member who is really in the know on this subject will chime in with more advice.
    "If You Knew Half of What I Forgot You Would Be An Idiot" - by DoughBoy68

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